Either run both pumps at the same time so you know they are both working.
Or run one pump all the time, the second pump to kick in at a set boost pressure with the hobbs switch.
First question, do you really need both pumps? I know alot of people running 10s with pump gas/meth and only one intank walboro 307/340 fuel pump.
If you want to run 2 pumps, then use the hobbs switch to kick the second pump in around 18psi so you can leave the line at 15psi and not be too rich during spooolup.
I would have the hobbs switch anywhere where there is a pressure source under a load, and use it to trip the relay/switch to the closed position to kick the pump on.
Any hobbs switch is adjustable, do a search here and they give the part numbers for any, but its all the same switch, just set to a different psi.