when I removed one from a totalled car for my bro, we had to bend, twist and snake it out!!! it was hell!!! So, what we ended up doing to get it in, was basically take the pipe from the top... it take a little practice, and dont worry about scratching the pipe!!! it is hard to dent, but dont force anything too hard!!! basically, what we did to get it in was go down on a very gradual angle, almost from the up-pipe connection on the header....being that poston headers were on the car at the time, it was a little harder I think, but we almost twisted the pipe all the way around and it went right down and in place after a few minutes of guess work and pushing....it also helps to have someone under the car, looking and feeding you directions from that point of reference...it was a big help for us to know what clearances we had going down....just getting past that heater box was the toughie, after that, just get it hooked up!!!