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May 24, 2001
I got a new Mot. RAZR MAXX HD for Christmas, and now have a steep learning curve.

two immediate issues:
1. I can't figure out how to remove one of the phone #'s in a contact that has both a cell and home phone listed. I want to delete their home phone.

2. I downloaded a ringer from phonezoo dot com, where I used to get all my free ring tones. I came into my droid as a text attachment. How do I get it from there to wherever it has to go so I can select it as a ring tone??

P.S. How does one determine whether it has "Ice Cream Sandwich" or "Jelly Bean" software loaded????

To delete the contact...go into your contacts and select the person. There is a button on the top right that looks like three dots stacked on top of one another. Click that and click edit.

For the android version go into settings and then about phone. Android 4.1.1 is the newest (jelly bean).

Hope that helps
Ms. FastNasty said:
To delete the contact...go into your contacts and select the person. There is a button on the top right that looks like three dots stacked on top of one another. Click that and click edit.

For the android version go into settings and then about phone. Android 4.1.1 is the newest (jelly bean).

Hope that helps
Thanks, got 4.1.1 and deleted the unwanted number.
So...Has anyone downloaded ringers? It's an attachment on a text msg, and I can't seem to figure out how to get it where it belongs.
So...Has anyone downloaded ringers? It's an attachment on a text msg, and I can't seem to figure out how to get it where it belongs.
You should be able to place the folder onto your sd card and grab the sound from your files.
You should be able to place the folder onto your sd card and grab the sound from your files.

You'll have to walk me through that!! I'm a complete rooky with this phone!! Remember, it came in as a text message with the ringtone attached.
first click on the attachment in the text message. This should cause the attachment to download somewhere. A pop up will show where it went. mine defaults to sd card. yours should too. if not , you'll need to remember where it goes. then look in my files and your ringtones should be there. click on one of the ringtones, then there is a square box on the lower corner of your left corner of your device. tap it and it will show a menu. one of the selections is set as. it will allow you to set as phone ringtone or specific ringtone. Hope this makes sense. if not, I'll pm my home phone and walk you though it
i was blackberry for years. it took me forever to get used to android. i do like having apps that dont have to be bb approved.
Got it! Once we figured out that it was going to the messaging folder (in the device). All I had to do was figure out what the different icons meant so I could then tag the file, and move it to the ringtones folder. Sounds simpler than all the steps actually involved.