Dual Port Internal wastegate - CO2 pressured?


Mechanical Engineer
May 2, 2002
Is there anyone running a dual port internal wastegate actuator and hooking it up to a boost controller like the AMS 500 or AMS1000 and using CO2 to control it?
Robert Wilson made one from a pneumatic cylinder that apparently worked ok.

the stock style will have issues leaking CO2 around the rod seal in my opinion.

I seem to remember a thread showing his fine craftsmanship..... there are some factory stock dual port wastegate actuators.... and I know the aftermarket has recently been talking about a new one.... maybe turbosmart?

The turbosmart one below is a single port.... but I seem to remember there was an "upper" limit to what boost you can run if you put the spring too weak to get your "launch" boost down. I am guessing this is where the CO2 control and dual ports give you that extended range.... like 5 psi spring and the ability to go to 30 psi on the top side.....



those all look cool. With the CO2 the rod-side seal is important, since thats the balance side (equivalent to the "top" on an external gate). Once you have a good dual-port actuator, there are a LOT of cool things you can do with CO2. (not just the AMS stuff)

I bought several years ago... a turbosmart eBoost2 boost gauge/controller. I have talked about going external and CO2 controlled, but this looks tempting to try and see.... and yes.... I agree.... how you seal the rod off would be important.....

I have a customer that has an AMS 500 but is still running the stock internal wastegate.... so I need options there as well....
let me know if you wind up getting any of those actuators, I'd like your impressions.

I guess if you had rod seal issues it would really go through the CO2.......

Too bad we don't have a push to close style........ then the rod seal would not be an issue....... you would (probably) only need to pressurize the back side of the diaphram which would be a closed cavity...... no rod to protrude through the pressure boundary.
yeah, setting up a push type actuator would be cool. use the diaphragm housing from an external gate, and mount it on the other side.

Could be some interesting ways to configure that.......

I seem to remember a thread showing his fine craftsmanship..... there are some factory stock dual port wastegate actuators.... and I know the aftermarket has recently been talking about a new one.... maybe turbosmart?

The turbosmart one below is a single port.... but I seem to remember there was an "upper" limit to what boost you can run if you put the spring too weak to get your "launch" boost down. I am guessing this is where the CO2 control and dual ports give you that extended range.... like 5 psi spring and the ability to go to 30 psi on the top side.....




I just ordered one of the middle ones, I have some really cool ideas I want to fiddle with this summer.

Here's a thought... Why not reverse the arm on the wastegate arm so you can pressurize the correct side of the acuator? Do this all the time on air shifters on motorcycles...
yeah, I never had the chance to install it. I never got the chance to fabricate a mount for it.

Got my AMS500 on its way, any chance for more input about dual port internal actuator?

Thanks !