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Chuck Leeper

Toxic old bastard
Staff member
May 28, 2001
Just saw the latest BS from the administration on gun control. The article said that one requirement for gun show sales, would be a background check....I was under the impression that purchasing at a gun show, did not remove that requirement...:confused:

I have a CCP, and when purchasing a gun, all I had to do was provide my D/L, the CCP, and I was good to go.
My bud bought at the same time... w/o a CCP. He had the check run in about 5 min.

Enlighten me, plse.
They are uninformed idiots man. I bet they are getting paid to put out this bogus info to make the brainwashed population, which is more then half if you ask me soaks that stuff up.
sadly they aren't
"uninformed idiots"
They know exactly what they're doing
they are EVIL
There's a great quote from the movie "The Usual Suspects":
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he did not exist."

there is no "gun show loophole"
background rules are for FFL wholesale/retail sales, NOT private individuals selling to one another;
you get both types of venders at any trade show, guns, gardening, cars.
the "gun show loophole"argument is as stupid & intentionally misleading as suggesting that we
should charge/collect sales tax for private transactions9at gun shows or anywhere)
or do a background check on our kids before we give them a gun as a present.
WEe need to call these scum out and remove them from our govt., they are traitors to the oath they spoke to protect & defend the Constitution against ALL enemies, foreign & domestic
& should be subject to the same disdain & vilification they spew upon free men exercising their God-given rights.
How about background checks when buying a car; after all you don't have a Constitutional right (specifically) to d"keep & bear" a vehicle.
my 0.02
(rant paused)

I was referring to the mis use of terminology they constantly keep on using. Its obvious what they are doing. But do some research on the weapons they want to ban. Time will only truely tell.
Oh, I agree!
I think one of 'em wanted to ban "automatic revolvers" (WTF!?!)a while back...:rolleyes:
Their depth of (intentional) ignorance on a subject they wish to legislate is truly disgusting.
Come to think of it, I can't find any "automatic revolvers"...Hmmmmmm

They are definitely intentionally wording stuff wrong. It is mind boggling the amount of misinformation that is being spread via the media. Gun Owners of America has been working overtime correcting the misinfo out there.

With regards to gun shows, I am betting they are targeting people who setup and are selling from a private collection without an FFL. Around here, you will see mainly older gentleman selling mainly WWII firearms without paperwork. Not only that, but the other types of non registered purchases are the private purchases. The only way they could regulate that, would be to log each person that comes in the door with a firearm and each person that leaves with a firearm. Paperwork doesn't match when you leave = trouble.

I really believe that gunshows will bear the brunt of these unconstitutional attacks on our freedoms when it's all said and done.
"there is no "gun show loophole"
background rules are for FFL wholesale/retail sales, NOT private individuals selling to one another;
you get both types of venders at any trade show, guns, gardening, cars."

Ok. I was under the impression that ALL sales at a gun show were:
A. Done thru/by a FFL dlr.
B.If you had a booth at the show, you had to have an FFL.

I can see a guy had 1-2 guns to sell, not have a FFL, was not in the gun selling business, that he'll soon be thrown out.
The new sign at the registration booth: ONLY FFL holders may apply for booth space.:mad:

It's coming, folks............
Not to change the subjct too much. But did anyone see the new proposed weapons ban. Im in michigan and it seems like they want to take everything from us. I think her name is fienstien or something her proposed ban is rediculous.
Might be a state/local law for y'all?
I'm in Texas & our shows have all types of vendors (sorry for earlier misspelling:confused:)
selling survival stuff, surplus, knives, jewelry etc.(hell, you name it!)
& its very common here for attendees to bring along their own weapons for sale/trade;
usually guys w/ long guns will have 'em slung over their shoulder w/ a "For Sale" sign taped to it.
The local guys (PD) work the door alongside the event staff to safety check incoming weapons ( zip-tie the chambers to render them safe)

Diane Feinstein (sp?), D-Ca.(surprise, surprise:mad:)
but its okay for her to have a concealed carry permit & her body guards to carry "assault weapons"
"cause, y'know, she's "important"
she's the hag who pushed through the first ban long ago
this one is even more draconian & blatantly unconstitutional
she wants an ex post facto /retroactive registry of certain guns & owners to pay a punitive tax for property already owned as well as a national registry
you know "common sense regulation"
We already have. it... Amendment 2 of the U.S. Constitution; pretty common sense to me

Rev ill go into a little more depth. I am a detroit police officer ill be damned if they want me to inform them of what guns i have or give up any firearms i own. This lady is insane. Now answer me this who is going to go door to door and collect peoples guns it would be a suicide mission. I refuse to do that.
Rev ill go into a little more depth. I am a detroit police officer ill be damned if they want me to inform them of what guns i have or give up any firearms i own. This lady is insane. Now answer me this who is going to go door to door and collect peoples guns it would be a suicide mission. I refuse to do that.

First off, thank you for your service. Especially in the hardest of hardcore cities in the country at the moment, next to Chicago. You are doing a thankless job and we do appreciate what you are doing.
To answer your question, here are three possibilities.

1. National Guard troops from another state. Mainly young soldiers who will follow unconstitutional orders without question. This was already done during hurricane Katrina. It was the first official trial run on gun confiscation. Out of state National Guard troops went door to door confiscating weapons after the mayor made the announcement that "no one in the city would be armed". If you search on youtube, you will find tons videos of them doing it, as well as one of the NG troopers just last year, coming forward talking about the confiscation. That he knew it was wrong but was young and was just following orders.
Here are the videos.

2. UN foreign troops. There are already thousands of foreign troops on our soil, doing joint training with our military, at our military bases around the country.

3. Don't rule out steroid and psychotropic drug filled SWAT team members going house to house either. Lot's of police around the country speaking out about these types within their own departments and the training they are being given for confiscations.

They know that police and active duty military will not follow unlawful confiscation orders, so they have to have others do the dirty work. They also know that this confiscation will lead to a civil war. Nobody will give up their guns. Especially those who sworn an oath to defend the Constitution.
Hope this helps and be safe out there.
I appreciate the kind words. Detroit is def. A special place. I do remember one of my leo friends went down to katrina for the idea of crowd control. Your possibilities are prob dead on. They prob would use those options. I just think that we are going backwards on this whole thing. You cannot un-arm people and expect them to be safe or feel secure. Ill be the first one to say over here in one of the worst cities i know of . The police department is so overwealmed but the city officials keep stealing money and playing politics. I dont know if will ever change. I think its time to move anyone need a good cop? I always wanted to be sheriff!
I appreciate the kind words. Detroit is def. A special place. I do remember one of my leo friends went down to katrina for the idea of crowd control. Your possibilities are prob dead on. They prob would use those options. I just think that we are going backwards on this whole thing. You cannot un-arm people and expect them to be safe or feel secure. Ill be the first one to say over here in one of the worst cities i know of . The police department is so overwealmed but the city officials keep stealing money and playing politics. I dont know if will ever change. I think its time to move anyone need a good cop? I always wanted to be sheriff!

MANY cities, counties in GA would be glad to have a trained/certified officer apply. Come on down!
Ive been near the tennessee border it was beautiful and the people were very nice. Wouldnt mind raising a family in a nice area. Gues i just have to find a place thats not a dry county i like to have myself a beer once and a while.
Not for nothing, but I've been going to gunshows just to hang out and watch the crowds over the past two years. I rarely buy anything since 08. Prices have been stupid and are getting ludicrous. I've only bought in the breaks. But the UN thing? Completely obvious groups of Russian's (if you're looking) being watched over by other smaller satellite group's at a distance. Other show's, Chinese, same story. They are here and have been acclimating for some time. American's will have a difficult time firing on American's in any situation where they have moral qualm's. National Guard and SWAT will be used for other duties. Their training is only to prime them for the eventuality of providing cover for it to happen. Despite the misinformation being spoonfed the retards by the MSM there's no way to push massively unpopular legislation like this thru through Congress. But when it comes down to the chosen one dictating it thru EO, they are ready for it to go hot. Just my opinion...