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Effects of Coffee.


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Active Member
Jan 25, 2004
Guys i think i drink too much coffee (5-6 large cups a day)and it was brought to my attention by a former heavy coffee drinker like myself that he used to have mood swings.

Well in the last couple years i think i get panic attacks of which i just freak right out if things appear to not be going smooth.
It has cost me my relationship and a few friends, i also have been getting blasting headachs if i drink too much or feel the need for one.

The person who i talked to discribed exactly how i get, one min fine the next i lose my cool.

Any heavy coffee drinkers or former coffee drinkers have any input to this?

I was told i should start to drink tea instead of which i think i am going to do.

Tea might be a way to tone down your intake - cold turkey would be tough!

Part of this is a behavor addiction IMO. Smokers like to hold a cig as it seems to give their fingers something to do. :) How bout drinking decaff? As long as you dont dwell on it being decaff you can allow your routine to soften the blow. Maybe every other cup for starters?

This is possible. Another caffeine does is it can cause an achey feeling in some people. And, it's a cough suppressant. That's how some people can smoke like a factory & not cough. They can cover it up/not notice it with coffee & colas.

Now, I notice caffeine causes blasting headaches in me as well. Maybe the anti-depressants I take make it worse, but it DOES happen.
Cheeseburger said:
Guys i think i drink too much coffee (5-6 large cups a day)and it was brought to my attention by a former heavy coffee drinker like myself that he used to have mood swings.

Well in the last couple years i think i get panic attacks of which i just freak right out if things appear to not be going smooth.
It has cost me my relationship and a few friends, i also have been getting blasting headachs if i drink too much or feel the need for one.

The person who i talked to discribed exactly how i get, one min fine the next i lose my cool.

Any heavy coffee drinkers or former coffee drinkers have any input to this?

I was told i should start to drink tea instead of which i think i am going to do.


man you are way to tense !!!

relax and have a good cup of coffe ;)

i drink twice as much as you,just dilute it with lots of water in between :D

thats what i do

all i drink is coffee and water

if you have soda during the day that could be the problem
Cheeseburger said:
Any heavy coffee drinkers or former coffee drinkers have any input to this?

I now have one cup in the am, and then just water. Usually about a gal a day.

Once you get away from all the artifical stuff, you'll find everything is just better, well, IMO. Food tastes better, sleep better, less hyper, fewer hunger pangs, fewer headaches. I forget where I read it, but there was a claim that 20% of Americans that are over weight, are actually dehydrated. They misconditioned their systems to confuse the want of water with that of food, so they eat when they should be drinking a glass of water.

Around here, it was worth spending a few bucks for the big containers of *spring* water to have in the fridge.

BTW, I was up to 2 small pots of coffee a day, at one time.

A lot depends on your age whether you smoke or not, how much you smoke, if you are overweight,if you get exercise or not.

Coffee like cigs constrict your blood vessels especially to your head and neck (where it is harder to get blood to normally since it is a fair distance from the heart and is up hill so to speak. Blood pressue is affected by smoking and coffee but each individual is different.

Get your BP checked, quiit smoking and get some exercise and gradually reduce coffee to 2-3 cups a day. Not easy but anything worth doing isn't easy.

just my.02 cents worth


by the way been there so I know its not easy!!!!
I was a heavy coffee drinker for years. I could drink it hot, warm, going to bed, it really did not matter. Mood swings, aspirin, excessive headaches, upset stomach, results of upset stomachs, loss of sleep and totally wide awake all night about 1 night in every 10 nights or so. Went to drinking normal caffine tea, at first not to exceed 3 cups a day, then down to 2, then down to 1, then went to herb tea for a while, & then to a cup of hot chocolate every so often. I am proud to say that I have not ahd a cup of coffee in about 16 years or so. no more frazzled nerves, no more sleepless nights, fewer upset stomachs, my psorasis totally went away except for my scalp area. I do drink Pepsi, but never exceed 1 a day and none on the weekends. And best of all, I have really come to appreciate hot chocolate, generally 1 a day, never exceed 2 a day on weekends, and during the week, sometimes none at all. A few years after I quit drinking coffee, I realized that if I could quit drinking coffee, there was no reason that I could not quit smoking also. Went on the 30 day, 1 patch a day program, never cheated, and haven't smoked since I quit, maybe 14 years ago. Did I gain weight, yes, but at my age I would have gained anyhow, probably. Don't go for it, just do it. Might be easier than you think. HTH. It goes without saying that I don't have a lot of good to say about caffine nor nicotine addiction. Good luck
Thanks for the posts guys, i am definitly going to try and cut down.
I have also had border line and high blood pressure in the last few years, as a matter of fact a few years back when i needed a medical for my AZ license the doctor did not pass me at first because of high blood pressure......had to come back after 2 weeks and it went down a bit.
Wells said:
I was a heavy coffee drinker for years. I could drink it hot, warm, going to bed, it really did not matter. Mood swings, aspirin, excessive headaches, upset stomach, results of upset stomachs, loss of sleep and totally wide awake all night about 1 night in every 10 nights or so. Went to drinking normal caffine tea, at first not to exceed 3 cups a day, then down to 2, then down to 1, then went to herb tea for a while, & then to a cup of hot chocolate every so often. I am proud to say that I have not ahd a cup of coffee in about 16 years or so. no more frazzled nerves, no more sleepless nights, fewer upset stomachs, my psorasis totally went away except for my scalp area. I do drink Pepsi, but never exceed 1 a day and none on the weekends. And best of all, I have really come to appreciate hot chocolate, generally 1 a day, never exceed 2 a day on weekends, and during the week, sometimes none at all. A few years after I quit drinking coffee, I realized that if I could quit drinking coffee, there was no reason that I could not quit smoking also. Went on the 30 day, 1 patch a day program, never cheated, and haven't smoked since I quit, maybe 14 years ago. Did I gain weight, yes, but at my age I would have gained anyhow, probably. Don't go for it, just do it. Might be easier than you think. HTH. It goes without saying that I don't have a lot of good to say about caffine nor nicotine addiction. Good luck
Sounds just like how I cut back on the Crown. Dont talk about it just do it :biggrin:
fubar2.5 said:
Chocalate has as much caffeine as coffee.
Some does, some doesn't. Just as in drinking root beer. Everybody assumes that all root beer has caffine in it, but some brands are caffine free.
I am sure that some chocolate has less caffine in it than others.
Some researchers believe that there is a direct tie-in between cancer of the colon or pancreas, I don't remember which, but I believe the colon and the coffee bean itself. Tea is supposed to be heavy in caffine, also, and tea drinkers do not suffer the high rate of cancer of the colon as do heavy coffee drinkers. Suit yourself. Nothing wrong with coffee, The problem is probably directly related to addictive personalities that can not establish a safe limit of addictive items. Alcohol, coffee, niccotine, drugs to name a few items. Every now and then you hear and see proof that some people have drank a quart of alcohol a day, smoked a pack or two of cigarettes, smoked cigars excessively, pipe smoking also, and lived to be a 110, but it is not the majority.

I believe tea has as much if not more than coffee.
For a start, there is a coffee out there called "half-caff". Might be good to start off with.
I think all Root Beer is caffeine free. I think the big problem is Dunkin' Donuts. I think you should sue them for your problems, and failed relationships/lost friends. Hey if smokers can sue the tobacco companies when they have to know that smoking is bad, I don't see why you can't "get what is rightfully yours". After all, it is their fault.
COFFEE You Gotta love it & hate it! I was doing 2 cups a day

Nice Caffine jolt :) But it raises you triglicrydes which raises your sugar.
Also it will make you eat like crazy.

Quitting is tough, but since I have done that it took about 3 weeks of withdraw symptons.

Just a note: I have HIGH everything. I was 170 now 161. So far I have lost 9 lbs over 3 weeks. No more bad sugars. Mostly fruit, vegs. tuna, fresh fish, some meats. wheat pasta or bread. NO SNACKING. & Yes just good old walking 20 to 30 mins a day.
I have always been a coffe drinker and likely always will be. I've noticed that my anxiety goes through the roof if I've had too much. Not a big, just cut down. I used to drink SEVERAL pots a day.....that ended when I ended up with a full blown kidney infection which I am convinced is similar to childbirth. Holy sheeet, that hurts.
Yep, caffeine can cause kidney problems. I've had kidney stones, I suspect it's almost as bad as an infection. Agony.
:wink: :wink: I cant remember the last time I had coffee,might be 3yrs ago...
I drink Ice tea but not much of that ,2 glasses aday