EGR Valve - Please help

Stixx 11

New Member
Dec 10, 2001
I am selling my GN and have a buyer but the check engine light flickers on and off. The scanmaster states it is the EGR Valve and I have been told it is a soft code and not to worry about it. The gentlemen purchasing my car wants me to fix the problem. I cannot get the car to Red's Hot Air so I had to take it to my regular mechanic. I have known this guy for 16 years and he is trying to figure why it is flickering on and off. The car runs perfect and does not miss or anything. Please give any advice.
does it flash off & on regularly?

If so, there is a problem with the chip or ecm....maybe not seated, pin bent or?
Yes it does flash on and off regularly. I put a J. Lubrant 93 in the car and that is when it started. I have the stock chip maybe I will just put that in and see if that fixes the problem. Sometimes it will not come on for five minutes and then sometimes it will stay for five minutes. The car runs perfect though?:(
swap the chip out or reseat your new one....maybe you bent a pin will run fine without a chip.....batchfire/default