Englishtown swap meet


Zap! Commander
May 24, 2001
Who here is going to the Englishtown swap meet this weekend? It's Friday-Sunday (April 11-13). Is it me, or is it earlier this year than in years past? I HATE being outside for long periods of time when it's under 65 degrees, and right now it looks like it'll only make it to about 50 degrees or so. :mad:
I should be there Sat. if weather is good. I will be driving an unmarked police taxicab;) :D
If it doesnt rain ill be there on Sat. IMO, I think E-town is one of the best meets
I'll be there Saturday, dodging puddles.

Not looking for anything in particular, just want to see some interesting stuff.:cool:
Originally posted by njturbo
Does anyone know if there will be any TR vendors. :confused:

I spoke to BWEAVY the other day and he said he was going. Not sure how much parts he is bringing up.
good timing ed ;) :D i dont think that has ever happened to me before
I never seen two posts at the same exact time. It's a first. I'm glad our info was correct:cool:
i'll be there friday. you're right, it is very early this month. the swap meet is usually always the last weekend of the month. dont know why its this early this time.