Fast and Furious

Screen shots make it look like it had the GN spoiler on it, but the auction one doesn't:confused:
Those selling sure don't know how to take pictures for an auction, should have shots under the "hood" & "trunk" & even underneath:rolleyes:
Screen shots make it look like it had the GN spoiler on it, but the auction one doesn't:confused:
Those selling sure don't know how to take pictures for an auction, should have shots under the "hood" & "trunk" & even underneath:rolleyes:

nah, then you would see all the zip ties holding it together :p:eek:
That's funny. He's been trying to sell that piece of crap ever since the movie came out. Started around 50K last time I saw it so I guess there's suckers out there that are willing to buy usless crap.