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FAST classic grey box o2's


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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2018
Looking to get a back up o2 for my fast classic grey box. I remember years ago being told that o2's had to be programed into the box, is that true?
Lets say I buy a brand new wideband o2 where or who would I send it along with my grey box to?

Hoping and preying its something that I can set up within the software settings and NOT have to send it anywhere.

Thank you in advance
No program but the lead has a resistor in it.
FAST was ripping folks off, so we tried to cut the resistor out and put it in a new sensor. Appeared to work.
No program but the lead has a resistor in it.
FAST was ripping folks off, so we tried to cut the resistor out and put it in a new sensor. Appeared to work.

One of my buddies mentioned that you can just email FAST and they will send you a flash program to install on the grey box set up and it will then accept any new wide band o2. I'ma give that a try and see what happens. Also I found the resister you mentioned in the plug, pretty sneaky the way they integrated it.

You change the resistor, you might as give up any accuracy tuning it. The file is free Email fast.
as norbs said the resistor is to indicate the offset of the sensor to correct the A/F to minimize actual AF error
the early version software used the resistor to key the sensor to the box as the sensor was calibrated at fast and corrected in the firmware . being that way it would reject any sensor with a different resistor and youd see 0.0 for A/F and you needed to contact FAST and get a replacement keyed sensor to your units serial #
getting a keyed sensor isnt necessary anymore , the box firmware can be updated to accept any new L1H1/L2H2 sensor (ntk 24300) , cant use the XFI sensor
a little info can be read here ..
This an old thread but yes, fast sells an "option file" that can be enabled in the box to accept a replacement non-keyed O2... it's like $45.