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FAST wb ecu onto a '95 240sx w/ custom turbo


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Yeah just using some very general examples, not knocking traction control, their system, your interest in them, or anything like that. PS the O2 heater control I spoke of was just for the regular, switching O2 sensors.

As for knock control, I question how anyone will bless the system as truly working correctly. Or even how the box will interface correctly in an analog electronics sense. For an analog interface we'd need to know- are the stock knock sensors flat response, resonant, highly resonant, things like that. Then we need an interface, one that can filter, integrate, etc- correctly :-) I guess the best way to verify that it all finally works would be to instrument out an engine with cyl pressure transducers, then make it knock across the whole spectrum of engine speed and load cases and watch for it in the pressure traces and compare to the knock detection system. I can't think of any other way really. This would be a fairly big task, even at the research institute, to determine the sensor needs, design the interface for that sensor(s), design the control algorithm, then verify fully that it works :-) But then if we don't really care that it works correctly in that regard, then why are we waiting for and paying for a system that claims it will?

If there was an external oem box that did all the analog interface and decision processing, like on the Buick GN setup then bingo, that's easy enough to get an aftermarket ecu to just listen to its output :-) This won't be the case here I'm afraid. If the system is quiet does that mean there's no knock, or that it isn't working correctly? If it goes off was it false? But regardless, I think some of us will agree though that even with a stock GN knock system "on watch" it still won't necessarily save a headgasket or engine. Like some others too, I just switched to high octane race fuel full time and don't even try to use the knock system anymore. It wasn't working well anymore anyway with the modded engine with solid lifters. False knock all over at part throttle, silence at full throttle. I think the background noise level is just too much at wot now.

One NICE beni of the wb O2 has turned out to be that we can run C16 and the wb sensors are lasting for years in most cases I've heard. My own is 3 yrs old now and still appears to be working ok.

I agree, they have written many big checks that will take alot of work to fill. In the meantime I'll continue to race with the FAST system working wonders on my own car :-)


i thought i would never hear such enthusiasm towards imports on this board. but i guess i underestimated how kool you guys are. :)

TurboTR, just one caveat, I too have made my own custom wire harness for my Honda (back in 98), and to date I've only done about 3 installs. The import crowd are notorious for stealing people's ideas, ie. buying one of your harnesses, disassemble it, and start selling them as their own!

From what I hear, the AEM standalone is based off the GEMS (england) ecu. While some Honda guys do have the AEM system in their car currently, I haven't heard anyone bragging about how great or easy it is to use. More often than not, they complain that its hard to get to car idle, and that the software is difficult to use. They also had some last minute firmware issues that required an update. But I guess we'll see how it developes in coming months.

Also, you would be surprised at how many FAST units are actually installed in Hondas. Pretty much all the quick cars (9.00-10.00) are all running FAST.
BZZZT! It's not GEMs...

That's a common misconception though as the software front-end IS based off of GEMs. I'd not heard about a firmware revision but I'm NOT surprised that people are bitching about the software. User friendly it's NOT! Go DL a demo copy of their software and then try to tell me you wouldn't rather have the GEN7 or FAST software. Sheesh, it's a bear. However it DOES have added functionality like tables for each sensor's range and whatnot.

Still, I think they could've set it up better (the wizard is a nice touch for PnP apps) and then hid that away from the poor user who might not have EVER seen much less used an aftermarket EFI system. From what I've seen so far this isn't what I'd give to a beginner (sigh). I'm HOPING that the user community will be big enough that we can pool together and help one another - maybe swap base programs around too. We'll see, I'm not holding my breath just yet.

Hrm, where are the Honda guys talking about this ECU? I'm DYING for information on it and if that means reading Honda boards I'll do it ;)

check out and search under AEM either in recent or archives. however, if you start posting there, i think it would be best to keep this site hush-hush, otherwise the signal to noise ratio in here is going to take a severe turn for the worst.