Fast With Class ?


Rest In Peace
May 25, 2001
Is it just me, or does *Fast With Class* just not mean anything anymore?.

I've been seeing some posts that are well beyond what I'd call being rude, and some mods are of the opinion that just because the issue may be political, that they should tolerate postings that are in fact, rude, name calling, and slanderous.

I thought some measure of being a man was being able to think before replying, and not do anything he would regret later.

I'm all for Freedom of Speech, and but I see, that in exercising that, one should accept the responsibilities in doing so. If someone can't grasp the rules of the Board/List enough to be responsible in what they say, why should they be given the PRIVILEDGE of being able to post?.

If the list has abandoned the motto *Fast With Class*, can I have a copy of the memo?.

While some other lists endorse childish behavior, I'd always thought of this one as being where the responsible posters were.

So is Board still about *Fast With Class* as seen by the members, or not??.

If the majority say no, fine, by me, if yes it does still matter, then I think we need to remind those in charge, that to us it still does matter.
Why even go into that section if you know it isn't your kind of reading or against what you like to look at on this board:confused: Their is also an ignore feature. Just like on T6P where you can choose not to go into Super Off-Topic. We all have the power!
Bruce, I don't read the politial section, but maybe the posters that you are referencing aren't fast either. ;)
This "Rant" may be in regards to "little children" not getting their way.

He was trying to act like a MOD, but the MOD told him to butt out (LOL!!!)

I already have I need to prove it to you. (I save all deleted & problem threads I or other admins remove , also has anyone heard from happycar in the pf ? who's next !)

Bruce I read your email you sent and I respect your thoughts , your service to our country and your personal accomplishments you have done , but please let us do our jobs as we feel is best for the entire board.
I know I can not make everyone totally happy on this board or in life but I and the rest on the mods and admins on this site will do the best we can.

If you or any one else have a problem with a member calling you names , threatning or disrespecting you pesonally please pm me I will handle it as soon as I can , until then please dont reply to the threads because it only makes things worst.

Sad... yet funny.
Originally posted by 1QWIK6
This "Rant" may be in regards to "little children" not getting their way.
He was trying to act like a MOD, but the MOD told him to butt out (LOL!!!)
Sad... yet funny.

Oddly enough you again missing the point.

If *playing MOD* in your book, means trying to maintaim some level of adult behaviour, then yes, for that sin I am quilty.

I just get tired of the childish games of some listers. When they run out of logic, facts, they revert to name calling, and related childish games. Not to mention the slanderous comments that of non board members.

There are rules, and it seems that the MODS for what ever reasons have taken to ignoring the very rules they're supposted to be inforcing.

The purpose of this thread is to see if anyone really cares if the rules are followed or not.
Just for the record "Going Fast With Class" was made up not because of ones Etiquette (SP) It had to do with the abilty of a Classy car to be fast as well, Just some people seemed to try and change it along the way.
If it has to do with my personality i may as well sell my car:D
Originally posted by KLHAMMETT
Just for the record "Going Fast With Class" was made up not because of ones Etiquette (SP) It had to do with the abilty of a Classy car to be fast as well, Just some people seemed to try and change it along the way.

Can you document what you've just said?.
I thought it was about the cars and owners.

*Class* in the context that I'm using it, is just meaning to held to the listed rules of the List, and Boards.
Bruce, sometimes you just have to be selective in what you let bother you, man. I for one, try to maintain a certain level of decorum, but after all, it's just a message board.
Originally posted by broke1
Id better sell my Buick's now as im poor white trash with no class;)
Good thing we dont have to pass any special tests for classification, Or we wouild have to crush 75% of these cars:p
Originally posted by 1QWIK6
Here's an option:

You can leave:)

Where's he gonna go? If he thinks the "playground bullies" here are too brash then lets hope he doesn't stumble into "the waiting room" across the way LOL
I think what Bruce is saying is true. Not that most of those posting really care.;)

Although I have'nt hung around here too long, it's easy to see the pattern developing as of late.

Used to be you came here for useful information on all kinds of things and a laugh or two.

Now seems like every day it's some kind of new controversy or battle between members. Who's screwing who, ect....

Too bad really.:(
I think what bruce is looking for is called "INTEGRITY". Good luck trying to find it in todays society. For example check out the thread about the mustang owner getting ripped off. Most people in this world we live in don't care about their own families let alone a facless name on a website. If you want to change the way it is now start with your children, Oh yeah & at least call your parents just to say Hi!!

How's that for my soapbox
Originally posted by dhauser
Bruce, sometimes you just have to be selective in what you let bother you, man. I for one, try to maintain a certain level of decorum, but after all, it's just a message board.

I am.
There's really very little that bothers me.
I really don't care about people name calling, and being slanderous. But, what I do care about it when people just don't care. There are board and list rules, and they just aren't being followed, and when no one cares about that, we fall to anarchy.

And *class* aint' about money, one's educational level, depth of shine, ETs, or Dyno numbers (to mention a few). IMO, it's about being honest, being able to be taken for your word and fogoing playing kiddie games, ie acting like a man. Which is what I've seen year, after year, after year at BG. I really can't remember anyone getting out of hand and acting childish, there, or at any other TB gathering. Yet, for some reason it's tolerated, here, when the rules stipulate that a few of the childish games aren't to be tolerated.

And an ocassional slip it one thing, but, some just seem to want to make a practice out of playing kiddie games. If that's the new world order here, fine, if not, then what's the deal?.
Originally posted by Rage
This whole place is tame fellas, compared to most boards this one is extremely sedate

I'll second that. I like the turbo buick boards because the members appear to prepare their responses a little better than most of the other boards I visit. In addition, the maturity level is much higher.


I think "Fast With Class" is a saying that fell out of favor right around the time the new saying "Budget Roller Cam" came into being. :eek:
Originally posted by salvageV6
I think "Fast With Class" is a saying that fell out of favor right around the time the new saying "Budget Roller Cam" came into being. :eek:

ROFL! Nice one!