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Fast XFI guys


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Active Member
Jun 7, 2007
Fast xfi guys step in here...

Now that have our attention I now alot of us feel we are left in dark with Holley Systems coming out complete with harness. Turbo tweak has support for harness etc. Xfi is stuck with stock harness and have all thhe extra bs sensors that are no longer relevant.

Casper's Electronics, Inc. Use to make harness everyone wanted custom this that added. I talked to some one today there and if we an get 30 guys to commit to buy ,they would make a engine harness to put fast in stock location with out the jumper box seat deal. And plug in to supply to all sensors cam crank,stock coil pack location etc.

Now costing im not sure on this obviously need to get the intreast obviously to get rolling.

My thoughts are alot of us kept the a/c , eliminated power master , emission stuff ,stock o2 gone, and use wiring see fuel pressure and oil on fast dash,fan delay thing gone. Just for some of standard options on te new harness. So who would be on board?

Obviously discuss what would and would not be in harness so on.
I like this idea. I have a fast bank to bank tho, eliminated many sensors and just taped them off. Would be nice to have a clean NEW engine harness.