Few qustions and worrys


Lead foot and a slow car
Jul 1, 2001
ok guys well my 18th birthday is on April 22 and my parents are gettin on me for what i want for my birthday.....well i wanted to get the new XM radio and such but i went to get a price today on everything and found i have to buy a 250 $ head unit {which i knew} and then the 200$ Reciever for the XM and then a Antenna for the XM for 100$...well 550-600 is toooo much money so i was thinkin of gettin the sony 760 watt amp and a foam repair kit for my b-day... my question is that i have a 12 American Pro Bass Machine 600Watt max sub... my question is would it be possible to put the 12 in a box and the 2 8's in the same box and run the 3 off the 760? and i was also wonderin how youd put new foam on these speakers..? do u take off the fiber surround and pull the foam up and then peel it off the cone? b/c its all like weather dried and cracking and fallin appart when you touch it... and i still wanna know how much power these 8's can handle...Audiowizard do you remember how much power you had going to those 8's?
Originally posted by mr_85regal
"my question is would it be possible to put the 12 in a box and the 2 8's in the same box and run the 3 off the 760?"

You can put all 3 drivers in 1 box as long as all 3 drivers are isolated from each other (seperate chambers)

I wouldnt recomend running all 3 drivers off of the same channel because your 8" will be overdriven (over-excursion) with the same output as the 12". I would run them off of a seperate channel of the amp if it has 3 or 4 channel capability.

"and i still wanna know how much power these 8's can handle...Audiowizard do you remember how much power you had going to those 8's? "

I had 150 watts to each one but only used them as a mid-bass driver instead of a bass driver.
what if i wired the 12 into one channel and the 2 8's together at 8ohms into the other? im also just goin to use them for mid bass
Originally posted by mr_85regal
what if i wired the 12 into one channel and the 2 8's together at 8ohms into the other? im also just goin to use them for mid bass

How many channels is that amp? If it is a 3 or 4 channel amp, you could bridge 1 or 2 channels mono to the single 12 and the 8s in stereo to the other 2 channels providing you have seperate gains for each channel.
whats ICQ? it may be compatable w/ AIM.....whats ur sn b/c i have a few questions
Originally posted by mr_85regal
whats ICQ? it may be compatable w/ AIM.....whats ur sn b/c i have a few questions

Its an internet chat program that you can download for free on the net. Its only compatible with other ICQ users. Just click on my e-mail in my sig if you want ask some questions. Or if you want to call, I will e-mail you my home #.
ok well im downloadin ICQ now... whats ur sn and id call but im in Florida..lol
Click on my profile and you will see my ICQ#, I will be on the puter after 10:00 pm tonight central time.
ok man i got ICQ and my # is 156030009.....i tried sendin u a mess but it gave me some b/s