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fire causes


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88 CuttyClassic

The Enviromental Hitman
Oct 30, 2001
I've see alot of ty's and cy's that are for sale because of engine/electrical fires. What is the cause of this? Is it something common on all them?
that is not to common i dont think.. someone would have had to butcher that SY or TY maybe no battery tie down... dunno
very sad:( :( :(
no joke, i've seen several for sale at spcialty yards or in the auto trader with fire damage. I just figured it may be somewhat of a common problem.
No I dont think so they are very good trucks very solid. I work at car toys im an installer I work with 12 volt all day and I have been under my TYPHOONs hood alot and I have never seen a problem with mine. I have seen some pretty roched out cars come through here And after a install they go out fine and still drive without fire. maybe someone puts stuff in they have no idea what they are doing No fuse you know stuff like that.. who knows could be a freak thing.I have a TY, my friend Dennis has a TY, My friend Wanda has a SY ,MY friend Roland has a Built SY and TY my pops has a SY. never seen a problem. SO if you are thinking about buying one do it they are the sh_t:D
I've never heard of this to be a common problem either. Maybe the people who steal them burn the hell out of 'em. I mean they're "on fire", not literally though
I bought a burned ty once for parts. Best we can tell was a leaking power steering pump hose on the hot exhaust.

I don't think any of the fires are due to voltage, but probably fluids leaking on the exhaust, and being turbo is probably hotter than most cars.

We lit another WA members ty on fire once at my house, but it wasn't trucks fault. Combine Carb cleaner and a lose spark plug wire.. :D
The only problems i've ever heard of associated with these trucks and engine fires are:

1. wrapping of the exhust and downpipe. the wrap would hold any kind of spilt fluids etc..

2. something about the powersteering pump leaking onto I think the crossover pipe causing the fire.

again not really sure about the dails but def the only things that i've ever heard on this subject.
The only ones I know of started on the inside which Im assuming was due to lousy stereo installs.
Originally posted by Boostedpimp
The only problems i've ever heard of associated with these trucks and engine fires are:

1. wrapping of the exhust and downpipe. the wrap would hold any kind of spilt fluids etc..

2. something about the powersteering pump leaking onto I think the crossover pipe causing the fire.

again not really sure about the dails but def the only things that i've ever heard on this subject.
thanks, this is the info was looking for. I was askin for my boy 6-b-Quick, he was looking into gettin a TY
Originally posted by Boostedpimp
The only problems i've ever heard of associated with these trucks and engine fires are:

1. wrapping of the exhust and downpipe. the wrap would hold any kind of spilt fluids etc..

2. something about the powersteering pump leaking onto I think the crossover pipe causing the fire.

again not really sure about the dails but def the only things that i've ever heard on this subject.
What he said.
I have herd of people running too much boost and there injectors static having one stick open causing an engine fire...... fuel schrader valve or gauge leaking.Worn Oring's on the injectors..The FPG is lame I have seen them leak down the side and spray out the top of the vac inlet.Every one I know carries a fire exitiguisher. I carry one in both my Ty and SY.
The NY State Fire Marshall ran a survey some years ago, about car fires.
And the number one cause of car fires is from auto tranny failures.

The most common cause was a tranny leak, followed by the trany starting to slip, and generating alot of exess heat and igniting engine oil. Again from leakage.

Being AWD just raises the complexity of the trans/drivetrain and amount of heat it can generate.

If there was a problem, you'd probably see something on the NTSB about it.