First car....first fraud. Can I do anything?

Really the only reason I opted to be so abrasive (other than my seething hatred for your soggy,p!ss poor,flat broke, blackfly ruled patch of nothing state) was to allow you- the Mainah- to vividly illustrate how rediculously low-brow your state is. Please, no one make the mistake of thinking that I lump all of the northeast together....I direct my disgust strictly at the rediculous, chowder-raised slackjaws who have (I should say 'had') more 'skinners' in Thomaston (the old prison) than any other type of offender. Now, generally, I'll not willingly engage in a battle of wits with an obviously unarmed opponent--so it is with much cheer that I say 'goodbye', and wish you a good time in partaking in your state's pastime of rounding up foodstamps to buy mussels and Moxie. Please choke!
I just got back from KDK Performance. He is not trying to just get a rebuild out of me. You can ask around about them. He showed me the pushrod (I have it now), showed me the difference between it and the other 5, showed me the lack of wear that showed that it had just been replaced. Let me look down the hole and you can't even see the lifter. There was a puddle of coolant at the bottom, but when he pressurizes the system you can see the coolant just flow in. Gave me a couple of options, such as setting in a new pushrod and resetting the lifter, or taking the intake off and seeing if it is just that gasket, or, what he reccommended, he could tear the motor down and find out why it has bent 2 pushrods on number one, and that that was the only way to really fix it. Right now he is working with me on finding someone to buy it as is(at my request) so I can get some back. Still haven't heard back from the guys that sold it to me....
mre information always helps....I m guessing if it was shipped it was atleast a week trip? It could have been loaded unloaded a couple times depending on where on the truck the next delivery was, and because of that it could have gone on a test drive...? couldn t it...with out eiether party knowing? I just think all possibilities should be looked at before hanging someone. The seller (who I don t know) really doesn t have an obligation persay to even answer, he a. could know he sold a patched together car, B could know he sold a decent car and in either case feels no obligation to what did or didn t happen to it after it was sold.

In any case, the primary problem is not the seller, its the car.
The engine could very well be just fine, having adelivery guy test drive drive and over rev it bad bending a pushrod. BTW no pushrods have part numbers on them of any kind.

compression is decent in 5 . Fix the pushrod and recheck the hurt cylinder, if still hurt pull the head adn expect a bent valve, which could have caused the bent pushrod. In any case if thats as far as the problem goes its back on the road for 500 or less.

you could also easily ad a hv oil pump, new timing chain at the same time for a small cost.

I do hope it turns out to be not much, meanng nly a head gasket/bent push rod/bent valve, cause that really isn t that bad compared to 4000 for a new engine.
Being from NH myself I am not going to get into the argument about cars in general condition from the Neast.

I can say one thing. Some of the nicest cars can & do reside in any bad climate state with proper storage care.

In Fact lots of nice iron that lives up here came from other dry states like Texas, NM, cali etc.

As for the deal you got you should have asked questions here or gone to MAINE to look & drive the car.
Why would a person in FLA buy a car from Maine??

Remember the old saying if its to good to be true (GOOD PRICE$$)
something is defiantly wrong.
a puddle of colant? this puzzles me cause its very hard to see down through the head at all little lone see the valley well enough to decern what in there, besides there are holes in the valley to return oil to the pan, not really all that many places to puddle much of anything. Strange also that by presurizing it sprays out......sounds like a blown head gasket bad. If it blownthat bad it could fill the cylinder also, which would cause some problems. In any case sounds like it would be easy to repair, with the correct pushrod and a head gasket. Check the #1 valves replace if bent and put back together. The total cost should be 400 maybe 500. If you could do it yourself, your looking at 15$ for a steel head gasket, 1$ for a pushrod, and about 20$ for an intake gasket and 11$ for the right stuff. Could be done in 6hrs pretty easy.
A lifter if its damaged would be an extra 6$ or so, then fix the head if it has a bent valve at about 40$ probably.

about 90$ total in parts.
Well, it has a new timing chain and hv oil pump. The valve is the same height as all the other ones, so that looks alright. Doesn't that usually happen with timing chain breakage too? And the coolant is still flowing in under pressure. The guy DOES owe me an answer because he was supposed to ship the reciepts and specs for the rebuild with the car, along with all the other reciepts he told me he had, and he didn't do that. I haven't even seen them yet. You are right about the truck driver driving it off onto the street instead of parking it, but that still doesn't explain the new pushrod from a different series, unless he drove it off, bent it, bought another one, fished up the lifter, and put it back together in a span of about 6 hours he was on schedule. I appreiciate you trying to be objective, but it really all points to the seller. I made my mistake and I'll pay for it it seems, but they look like they did me wrong. BTW, pushrods are numbered. I saw them and I have the bent one next to my computer with "PP 1433" while all 5 of the others said "8440" or something like that, noticably different in number and wear from the first.
With any luck you've saved the emails back and forth with the seller. That will help you bring him to court. The applicable jurisdiction will step in on your behalf at the appropriate hearings since you are outta state(need to give them power of attorney though).

In certain states a verbal contract as well as internet agreements to purchase something is a contract and the seller usually has to abide by his claims in these conversations. You can use the company that he used to ship to help. He essentially defrauded you by way of a third party. You have to look at the contract for the transportation of the vehicle. If they absolved all responsability and left it between you and the seller(according to the contract) you'll have to go at the court route.
Hey man,

I definately know what you're going through! I'm a college student aswell. Bought a car off a board member, seemed honest, had another board member look it over aswell. The owner told me what he told you, "car runs perfect!" Turns out the 'race built transmission' was a monte carlo trans (not the good one) core and vb/gov/speedo, the clutches were also toasted. Replaced almost EVERYTHING on the car; just to name a few: brakes did not work, vac leaks everywhere, bad knock, bad battery, pcv valve, a/c (said was ice cold) compressor dead (whole system needs replacing), bad o2 sensor, radiator is beat up. Oil was black like tar. He told me the car ran an "11.60 @ 118" at 24#, the car ran a best of 14.7 @97. I bought the car in March, and it sat on the street until last month when I finally had enough money for the trans. Car still does not run well. Not much I could do in my situation, being as I live in hawaii and he lives in georgia. Many times I considered giving the car away, or pushing it off a cliff, as I have already spent ALL my money on it (im in debt from the loan aswell). I told him about the problems and he told me "Well, if thats how you feel, F*ck you". Hope everything works out for you man, it might be best to just sell it as is and take a huge loss, because the money you are going to put into it to get it running good, is honestly not worth it IMHO (for a college student). Hard to concentrate on school when you have a huge $$ burden at hand. ;) :(
Sorry to hear about your troubles. Did yo pay by us mail by chance? Might be able to make a case for mail fraud.

I can tell you this much. Kevin will give you the straight poop. He has no need to invent work as he usually has more than he needs already. He also does excellent work.

Originally posted by DCEPTCN
Really the only reason I opted to be so abrasive (other than my seething hatred for your soggy,p!ss poor,flat broke, blackfly ruled patch of nothing state) was to allow you- the Mainah- to vividly illustrate how rediculously low-brow your state is. Please, no one make the mistake of thinking that I lump all of the northeast together....I direct my disgust strictly at the rediculous, chowder-raised slackjaws who have (I should say 'had') more 'skinners' in Thomaston (the old prison) than any other type of offender. Now, generally, I'll not willingly engage in a battle of wits with an obviously unarmed opponent--so it is with much cheer that I say 'goodbye', and wish you a good time in partaking in your state's pastime of rounding up foodstamps to buy mussels and Moxie. Please choke!

Hey dumbass:

You spell ridiculous with an i instead of an e....we may be low brow but we can spell. It's a shame when you are trying to insult someone's intelligence but then misspell your insult. I lived my first 27 years in Maine and have never eaten a mussel nor do I even know what Moxie tastes like.

Take your seething hatred and grow up.

PS: What the heck does it mean to say that you are not willingly engage in a battle of wits with an obviously unarmed opponent? Did you think your own use of poor grammar would throw us off guard so we didn't understand?
heh heh, thats funny sh!t right there! Kinda embarrassing to get busted on the spelling when you're trying to insult people.

While I agree that this is not your fault, and you may be getting a bum deal, it may not be worth the hassle to sue him. Very long process, and expensive. Maybe this is an opporotunity to do it yourself. I'm sure you could find some local enthusiasts willing to help. I've done the whole pay someone else to fix it thing, with poor results. You want it done right, do it yourself. you'll save the money, too. You got 6 pushrods? There should be 12. I've never seen a pushrod "wear". I've pulled them out of 100,000 mile engines, they looked new. Where exactly do you see wear? Sounds like a blown headgasket to me, although letting the coolant sit in the engine this long has probably ruined your bearings. I feel your anger man, I've had 3 motors put in my car in the last 1500 miles, spent a lot of loot to do it, and still have problems. At least if I had done it myself I would have the cash left over. Maybe you could buy a shortblock from another member here, get it running, then persue the legal matter? At least then you'd have it running, and you could build the old motor slowly, as funds permit. Then save it for a spare, or sell it to recoup some cash.
If you can afford it, just rebuild the engine and drive the crap out of it to get your money's worth.
If you cant, sell it before you dump way too much money in it.....I speak from experience. These things are money pits. Drive it or get rid of it ASAP!!
Originally posted by BlownZ
Hey dumbass:

You spell ridiculous with an i instead of an e....we may be low brow but we can spell. It's a shame when you are trying to insult someone's intelligence but then misspell your insult. Take your seething hatred and grow up.
PS: What the heck does it mean to say that you are not willingly engage in a battle of wits with an obviously unarmed opponent? Did you think your own use of poor grammar would throw us off guard so we didn't understand?

I was wondering when someone would notice his blatent mistakes in spelling and grammar. It appears his own anger engulfs him to the point of being an illiterate, blithering idiot!
Actually, I think he just needs a good hug...:rolleyes: Poor fella', he's obviously dealing with some serious issues related to Maine, and I would imagine it'll end up causing him physical ailments, as soon as some of you folks from Maine get ahold of him. He's actually stupid enough to have placed the necessary stats in his profile, if you want to take a look.

Seriously though, I was quite annoyed by his comments, and would like to see his User ID banned from the board. I've always been impressed at the demeanor, intelligence, and lack of idiocy that usually exists on this board, but then along comes "Mr. DCEPTCN", which he probably thinks that's how you actually spell "deception".
All I can say is "Lighten up Frances", or go find an angry youth board to spew your RIDICULOUS banter!

This thread is supposed to be trying to help a kid in need.
FirePWR, make sure you have/find all the email correspondence from day one! This will be your best record to present legally, if you pursue it. I really do wish you the best in this situation.
Wow! D I think you need to add some fiber to your diet, your backing up.

Fire, is there anyone near you that could help you do the work yourself? That would help lower the cost of repairing it. You'll take a beating selling it not running. How much of good deal was it? If it was that cheap you could repair it and sell it for more than what you paid for it.
Check the fl area boards ask for some help with yanking the heads. Overall the readings aren't that bad with the exception of the one with 30. Could indicate a cracked/worn ring/ bad hg around that cylinder. Gotta rip off the heads and see where the coolant is coming from anyway.

Cheapest thing to do and it's not hard is inspect the oil for antifreeze, drop the pan, rebearing the mains and rods, and replace that broken cylinder.

Or just change hg's and replace that one cylinder. It'll be down however it's the cheapest. Or beg borrow and plead for help and give your spare time(to work off your debt) to any of the guys doing the work. IMHO get a book and borrow some tools it's not that hard just follow the procedures to the T and ask for help with diagnosing before wasting what little cash is available at something that isn't broken. If it is a dead cylinder change it out and baby it till you can rebuild it right.
You would most likley have to hire a lawyer in Maine to represent you. Right there the fee could take care of the problems at the shop in florida.

You have to decide what to do.

I would call the seller & ask him to pay or split the repair cost with you.

This story brings me back to my 1st car purchase.
2 cars to look at.
car 1 GTO town next door
car 2 70 SUPERTURD 4 towns away

I did not want to drive 4 towns away to buy the $1k Yes I said $1k
superturd.. today = 55k :(

I bought the gto. Had cracked headers, missing tri power rod, missing lugs.. AHH all simple low cost fixes unlike today.
FirePWR,Sorry about your problems.Wish I could help but I'm a few hours from Hollis and I don't know the seller.I think I've seen the car advertised for sale in Uncle Henry's (a New England sell/swap guide) a few times in the last couple years.Hope you can finally contact the seller and get things settled.

As for you DICHEDCN,Maine may not be the greatest place to live but it is a much better place without you living here.Pardon my bad spelling of your name.What do you expect from a dumb Mainer?

Originally posted by DCEPTCN
Really the only reason I opted to be so abrasive (other than my seething hatred for your soggy,p!ss poor,flat broke, blackfly ruled patch of nothing state) was to allow you- the Mainah- to vividly illustrate how rediculously low-brow your state is. Please, no one make the mistake of thinking that I lump all of the northeast together....I direct my disgust strictly at the rediculous, chowder-raised slackjaws who have (I should say 'had') more 'skinners' in Thomaston (the old prison) than any other type of offender. Now, generally, I'll not willingly engage in a battle of wits with an obviously unarmed opponent--so it is with much cheer that I say 'goodbye', and wish you a good time in partaking in your state's pastime of rounding up foodstamps to buy mussels and Moxie. Please choke!
If there was ANY antifreeze in the crankcase, even for 5 seconds while the engine was running, it would milk the oil up. If the oil in the pan isn't milky white, it wasn't getting into the crankcase when you drove it.

Most likely the car was sold "as is". All he has to say is thats what he thought was in the car, or thats what someone told me they put in the car. You have to prove that he intentionally defrauded you, and as shown in my excuses above, its almost impossible to do.
Hollis Maine

That car was bought off e-bay with rust on the bottom of the doors. It's silver right? I think it was for sale on e-bay twice and listed on the numerous boards. Good luck as that car was passed on by many. Drew:(
The very one from E-bay. Thanks for all your help. Finally got ahold the seller and he is standing by the car, knows nothing aobut any kind of bent rod and is going to call the shop that beuilt the engine to see if maybe they know. Said it was running "fine", sounded loud with the exhaust but was otherwise perfect. Very adament about the car, and seems genuine on whats been going on with it. Might spend some more money and have KDK look at it. It is going to go up for sale on Monday evening for about 5,500 after I talk to KDK if there is no way to fix it cheap. There a guy thats stalking around thier shop for a car with a busted engine (kid in diesel mech. school) and has about that to spend, so it will prob. be gone, but if you are interested, anyone, let me know at or 321-432-8578. Name is Preston.
And just so everyone knows, I am looking at a Grand National in the very next town that just came up for sale....and it will be going to KDK before money is spent. Lesson learned any way I go, so lets all hope that "way" is going to be the cheapest for me. Again, anyone want any info, let me know. Or any other ideas, I am still open.
Thanks agian -Preston