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First Kill, but not boasting...


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Sep 24, 2010
So I'm out for a spin enjoying the evening weather, window down with elbow deployed, classic cruise mode. Not driving hard on account of low fuel and just enjoying the scenery. New TA49 and Mease IC have my baby running like a top, floor mat pulled back and alky primed just in case. Stop at a red light and I have the outside lane, I see lane closed up ahead so I have to merge into passing lane sooner then later. I look over to my left and see a Mercury Cougar, little V6 sporty car but certainly no threat...right???

Light changes and I accelerate for the sole purpose of pulling ahead and merging into my lane. Apparently Mr. Cougar has different ideas and I hear buddy working the gears and staying nose for nose...

Not on my fu@c!ng watch. To the rug she goes and all hell breaks loose. My new TA49 whistles with delight and climbs instantly to 15psi. Alky primes and fires on cue, tires shriek as I open up a 3 car gap. I slide over into the passing lane and look in my sideview, Mr. Cougar seems a lot more like a tabby cat all of a sudden, however he breaks into a huge grin. I slow as he comes along side and we stop at the next light. I'm ready for real but kitty raises the white flag. We smile and nod at each other and he says (sounding like Balky from Perfect Strangers...) "Nice car, eet ees in very gooood shape!! You are verrrry gooood at driving eeet!!"

I laugh and thank him for being a sport, he goes his way and I go mine, I'm keeping it cool but my heart is pounding with a mini adrenalin dump. Not what I would call a real challenge but if some fool wants to play I'm ready to answer the bell.

First official kill I suppose, just putting some dreamer in his place!! :cool::biggrin:
...and well writen too...:biggrin:

Thanks Chicken, I've been a fan of your stories since I've been around the forum. It was kind of like kicking a yappy little dog, nothing to brag about but it was kinda fun doing it and it felt pretty good!! :biggrin:
It makes me sad that this is what racing a TB has come to. The turbo Regal has become so unrecognizable that ricers think it's it a 307 Cutlass or 305 Monte. The only decent racers I've had in the last 5 years I've owned my GN have been GXR'S and the like, highway speeds only. :(
It makes me sad that this is what racing a TB has come to. The turbo Regal has become so unrecognizable that ricers think it's it a 307 Cutlass or 305 Monte. The only decent racers I've had in the last 5 years I've owned my GN have been GXR'S and the like, highway speeds only. :(

Should come over to my neighborhood...most days I can pull out of the neighborhood or my parking lot at work... throw a PowerMaster in any direction and hit a car who wants to try their nuts against my GN....
It makes me sad that this is what racing a TB has come to. The turbo Regal has become so unrecognizable that ricers think it's it a 307 Cutlass or 305 Monte. The only decent racers I've had in the last 5 years I've owned my GN have been GXR'S and the like, highway speeds only. :(

I hear ya bro, like I said it's nothing I'm bragging about I just thought it was a funny story. I had a Viper RT lined up yesterday but the driver looked to be approx. 100 years old. He had zero interest and pulled away from the lights like he was driving one of those scooters that the old folks get around in.