Flowmasters Destroying america

88 CuttyClassic

The Enviromental Hitman
Oct 30, 2001

what a joke this is!!! :rolleyes:

i hit them back with this:

Dear Sirs,

Do you really have a clue? What I read about your views on flowmasters I almost choked on my lunch. Talk about flowmasters raising people blood pressure, I was very infuriated when I read your article. I think your views are so off base. I looked at your site and saw your section on car alarms. Car alarms aren't the problem, car thieves are. How about addressing the real issue!!! People wouldn't need car alarm if other didn't steal cars. All of you remedies are just band aids for the greater problems. Let me ask you something. Do you fly on commercial airlines? They are a major cause of noise pollution. Ever since 9/11 I get panic attacks when I hear a plane. Why not address that? You don't have the guts to take on the airline industry. I'm sure you do use commercial flights therefore making you a big hypocrite. What about the jobs that exist because of Flowmaster and other such companies? Do you want to help increase the unemployment rate? Please sirs and maims, get off your high horse and come back to reality. If you are so worried about noise pollution move to the middle of the forest and listen to the birds chirp. You want to pick on the common folk who enjoy motor sports to promote your own selfish agendas. You might as well give up. The bulk of america, the heart of this country enjoy there hobbies and motor sports is a big one. As long as I'm alive I will never compromise my hobby for reasoning as asinine as this. In fact i'm now motivated to go out and let my 1970 Buick GS big block with 40 series American Thunder Flowmasters sit and burn a whole take of gas on the next O-Zone action day. Your article is going to have the opposite effect that you want. The link is all over the automotive community and no one has welcomed it with open arms. I wish you Bad luck in your losing battle and I hope that someday you realize how stupid you make yourself look.

i'd like to hear their view on an Open dump, :D
"these illegal hot rod exhausts increase noise levels, which produces chaos and confusion. In this atmosphere, accidents increase, property values decline, and criminality flourishes. Flowmaster's noise machines harm the quality of American life."

Holy sh!t. I don't even know what to say. Where do these wackos come from?

People who think loud exhaust on a car is "noisy" need to stand along any freeway while cars are going by at 70 per. The noise is almost deafening...

And it's all caused by TIRES rolling across the asphault. When a car WITH loud exhaust drives by, it's still drowned out by tire noise!

That was some comical reading. I like the part that the elementary teacher in VA wrote. LOL. My exhaust (not flowmaster) used to be my trademark that I was on school property. I had so many students come up and talk to me about my car, tell me they heard me pull up at lunch time or saw me arriving at the building in the morning. None of them were disturbed. Quite the opposite. This NOISE actually sparked an afterschool program promoting the education of cars. I actually even brought in an engine block for students to 'inspect'. All because of my noise.

Instead of interupting a classroom, my noise compelled students to spend time after school learning instead of getting in trouble. Also more students felt like they could approach me as a teacher with problems because they made a connection with someone who likes nice cars and loud music.

Don't mind organizations like this... they are out of touch. The kind of company that makes you want to hold the next GS nats in their headquarters parking lot. :)
what an idiot, i put this up on a couple more boards,

88 CuttyClassic i quoted you on them, just because thats a really good response.
Why not get this fired up about the impending Tier II new clean air standards. Here in Alabama, suddenly 8 counties will have "dirty" air. If the air is getting cleaner, just increase the standard for what is considered dirty.
RE : exhaust, I am so conditioned to weed eater hondus that they just make me laugh now. Laughing is good.
IMHO, what somebody REALLY should do is infiltrate that organization, find out when & where they are going to lobby various communities & groups, and then speak out about freedom of expression. If public officals are only hearing one side of the story, then they would be more inclined to tighten and/or more strongly enforce the noise restrictions that already exist. Also, let them know that you are a voter. If you don't vote, are they going to worry about the effect you will have on their re-election?

Hope I don't seem spineless with the following, but some consideration SHOULD be given to all the health related issues so as not to seem INconsiderate. That means educating yourself on their issues so you can debate them intelligently.

Also, setting up a website (as a suggestion, how about: www.noisefreedom.org :D ) might go along with this.

I would do these things, but I don't have the time...

Mark Huber, Noise Free America's Communication Director, said.....

This is a contradicting job title if I have ever heard one.It must be just me but that line sounds funny:D
My freakin' lawnmower with a muffler is louder than any Flowmaster I've heard! What a moron with too much time on his hands, why don't people like that go out and do something constructive for their lives.....
I couldn't help it, I had to email them too, said basically what I said above, put down my phone # as 1-800-BIG-NOISE :D
Maybe look in a Hot Rod mag and find SEMA webite/fone #. They are strongest lobby for this kind of crap.
Geez, back in 60-70's, Cherry bombs on big hemis, or just as loud were small cammed cars . It was more common then as they were ruling the landscape with wonderful sounds. Now it is just always a truck when you hear that good ole v8 sound.

This is common BS, for people to obsess over the small stuff as the big things spiral out of their control.
SAN, Sema Action Network. Get the mailer every month. It is a great resource, they provide information on up coming leglislation on automotive enthusiast related bills in eash state allong with a ton of other stuff. Here is the link to enjoy the drive, the SAN info is in there somewhere:

