fly by magnet


Active Member
Oct 23, 2002
i seem to be a magnet to flybys, today i was on a 4 lane road near my house in the farthest left lane at a stop light when one of them vtech integras pulls up next to me :rolleyes: he didn't say any thing but he kept revving it and looked like he was pissed, all tense and just looking forward. when the light tuned green he took off like a bat out of hell, well maybe a mouse out of a bread box but you get the idea he still had it floored. i was setting back cruising at about 1/8 throttle on his back fender until he hit about 65 in a posted 45 i floored it and cut my signal on and turned in front of him then i turned in to the next lane over and droped back and then crossed behind him back in to the lane i was first in :D i pulled up next to him by this time he had hit 100-110 im estimating so i floored it and got so far infront of him it was not funny, we were now getting in to an area with some traffic so i dropped back down to 45 before i hit some one but this jack-o wanted to win so he went on by me with that thing whinen like a chain saw :mad: 2nd one in 2 weeks. ah oh well i was not mad for long a cop caught him 3 blocks down the road ;)