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France Can't Decide


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The French

Well, as a Canadian ( I support the was 100%, not my Gvmt.), I can tell you even French Canadians are A**holes. I have been screwed in my biz twice by them, and they have no real concept of reality.

phwuk em all

I think the French need to walk the beaches of Normandy again and visit the 10,983 white crosses that represent the lives of an American that paid the ultimate price so they could also be free. What a freakin' spit in the face, French bastards!!!!!!!:mad: :mad: They can all go to Hell!!!!:mad:

I think the French need to walk the beaches of Normandy again and visit the 10,983 white crosses that represent the lives of an American that paid the ultimate price so they could also be free. What a freakin' spit in the face, French bastards!!!!!!! They can all go to Hell!!!!

Yup, and please do not forget the Canadians and Brits who had brass balls for jumping into those dangerous waters!!
