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Gas tank and fuel pump


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mr.La Rue

Mar 30, 2010
I need some advice. I have a internal fuel pump mounted outside of tank and i don't like that the pump is sucking fuel from the tank so I was thinking about sumping the tank and that way there would always be fuel at the pump Would the internal pump be ok out side of the tank with fuel siting on it instead of it siting in the fuel :confused:
I need some advice. I have a internal fuel pump mounted outside of tank and i don't like that the pump is sucking fuel from the tank so I was thinking about sumping the tank and that way there would always be fuel at the pump Would tyhe internal pump be ok out side of the tank with fuel siting on it instead of it siting in the fuel :confused:

Internal tanks need to be mounted internally and need the fuel to cool them down.
What pump do you have an can you post some pics?
fuel pump

NI can't post pix my kids broke home comp and i don't know how to do it from my phone

I'm not sure what pump it is but i know its a internal pump I am going to buy a new one anyway i wanted to get a walbro from tt but i don't know how long it will last outside of the tank
At so cal speed shop here in las vegas has a 700gph external. For $350 but i cn that everyone uses the walbro. Which is only 255gph and good for 12's I'm reallynot try n to go fast 255fph is obviously