Gerotor Oil pump front cover


May 24, 2001
I bought a nice pair of s2 valve covers off ebay last week, In the deal there was an 86-87 front wheel drive front cover with a cool looking cog belt pulley on the water pump and some nice welding in the pan area. I figured It would just make a doorstop and would be useless for my application.

The darn thing fits a rearwheel drive block!!! The suction and pressure passages line up. The only things missing would be the lower crank gear with the flats to drive the oil pump and a cam sensor. I believe a 85-88 3.0 dual cam/crank sensor will overcome the lack of cam sensor or put a magnet on the cam gear and use the 86-87 fwd cam sensor. This ought to work ok with my antique batch fire DFI or with a batch fire FAST system.

From what I know about these gerotor pumps, they can supply way more oil volume than is needed, which would be a great replacement for the gear driven pump (which in my opinion is a borderline design)

Kendal, I know you were trying to weld up a cover like this, but you had trouble with warpage.
Has anybody tried to use one of these covers on a turbo V6?
I was watching that auction. :) Does the upper section line up with the block to seal above the water pump? On the one I used, it did not, which decided me against trying to use it as-is with the FWD cam sensor..which I think should work fine.

Ironically, I am about to build a jig and do another cover; I'm getting closer to needing it and I'm going to make it work, one way or another.

Everything lines up on this cover. Maybe the cover you had was a 3800 or 3300 front cover? I know they are different.
