GN Is being held hostage..What can I do?


May 25, 2001
Well all, I have spent about the last 6 months or so working on my GN at a buddys house..
We picked up a parts Regal together, stripped it down for sheetmetal and lastly we were fitting the Pass side floor into the GN..
My friend helped me all the time , even though I never asked..His wife would bring us out cold drinks and lunch..Very nice of her...
I have worked with this guy for about 6 yrs now...Recently I've been around his wife and home more , spending many weekends there out at the garage..

Help went back and forth ...As it does with most friends... They "seemed" like your basic married couple(going on 25 yrs I guess), and what appeared to me as decent people..
Well recently I guess they had some trouble ...The husband suposedly has a restraining order against him for 6 months..The reason why is not being disclosed..Not sure if he did something bad, or she is playing the system..

Anywho enough of that ..That leaves me and another friend of his with all our belongings at her house...The other guy tried to pick up his welding equipment and is geting no cooperation from the lady..And suposedly the police nor any kind of order can help him..
Word is , "nothing can leave the property"
It seems they are call happy to the police station if anyone shows up there..
I called the lady and I was told the same thing...I asked why, she claimed she didnt know but it was the law...
My first reaction is BS...I'd like to march down there trailer up and get the hell outa dodge, but I dont want trouble for myself, nor do I want to cause trouble...
Someone also put the idea in my head that she can start charging storage fees..
I need to find out what my rights are in this situation...Do I have to go as far as calling someone up in a legal situation..?,
Or can I simply call up the local police staion and be like, "here are my titles and bill of sale" , "why cant i get what belongs to me?"

Never been in a situation like this before, and I want to tread carefully..

What do ya think, besides going nutty..???

Thanks so much
Got yourself in a pickle.

IMO if you want your GN you cant be touchy feely. YOU go make a calm effort politely to reclaim your stuff.
If that doesnt go good contact the police and then a lawyer if needed. If it gets stupid its gonna cost you some legal fees possibly.
Get busy on it now and dont sit idle. In this situation time is money
Agreed, I think its very possible this thing could get very stupid..I have already made a polite request over the phone with her..This is when she told me nothing could leave..This was also after I found out the other guy was unable to pick up his welding gear..
My next step was to go to the station and ask there..But I figured posting might get me some insight..I really dont know anyone who has been through BS like this before, so I am very green..
I am just having a hard time swallowing that people cant pick up whats theirs..I mean I would get it if they meant the couples belongings, that that stuff cant be touched..but 3rd party???
Pickle is right...
Thanks turbo nasty
I'd pull up there with a trailer and get what belongs to me. You've got the bill of sale and title incase she tries pulling some bs. Go get your car!!
I'd pull up there with a trailer and get what belongs to me. You've got the bill of sale and title incase she tries pulling some bs. Go get your car!!

This sounds good. Go one more & visit the Police department in the town where your car resides & talk with them..

OR REPORT your car stolen & tip off the Police that you saw it. Bet you will get it then.
This sounds good. Go one more & visit the Police department in the town where your car resides & talk with them..

OR REPORT your car stolen & tip off the Police that you saw it. Bet you will get it then.

best idea EVER!! i love it!
report it stolen.The tone in her voice is going to change when the cops show up and arrest her.If she does start charging you storage she will have to make a month to month lease.Sign the lease and then everything in the garage is one month and then clean house
sounds like he f'ed up big time and it's the old "your HIS friend so screw you to" good advice on reporting it stolen. i might give her the chance to come off it by telling her your going to report it and if she keeps her tude f*ck the beeaaaatttcchh to the wall
If you report your car as stolen you will be arrested yourself. I promise. Filing a false report is a crime. Work with your police agency that has jurisdiction and follow their instructions. If you need to retrieve your property by taking the lady to small claims court then file the paperwork. I suspect the police agency will assist since it will be very easy to prove ownership of the vehicle. Again, save yourself some trouble and dont file a stolen vehicle report. You will regret it. ;)

Also, asking legal advice here is about useless. Most here do not know the in's and out's of the law in your state, and most here do not work in the legal profession. Get my drift? Good luck.
If you report your car as stolen you will be arrested yourself. I promise. Filing a false report is a crime. Work with your police agency that has jurisdiction and follow their instructions. If you need to retrieve your property by taking the lady to small claims court then file the paperwork. I suspect the police agency will assist since it will be very easy to prove ownership of the vehicle. Again, save yourself some trouble and dont file a stolen vehicle report. You will regret it. ;)

Also, asking legal advice here is about useless. Most here do not know the in's and out's of the law in your state, and most here do not work in the legal profession. Get my drift? Good luck.

Good advise.
Also, asking legal advice here is about useless. Most here do not know the in's and out's of the law in your state, and most here do not work in the legal profession. Get my drift? Good luck.

X2 !!! I can't believe how people would ask ANYONE legal advise in a public forum. :rolleyes:
I agree with the above post. File it in small claims, get a court order to retrieve the car and everyone involved will have no choice but to cooperate.
I would think if someone has your car and will not give it back or let you retreive it then you could report it stolen as they have no legal right to keep it. I would call the lady up and let her know what is about to happen and let her know you can come get the car on a set date and time and you will drop the matter and you can both go on with your life.
File it in small claims, get a court order to retrieve the car and everyone involved will have no choice but to cooperate.

Sounds like the best advice I've heard so far. Good luck! Talking to a lawyer is probably the best in this situation.

I don't think reporting it as stolen would help anything, since you left it there. Though I'm not sure at all how the law works.
If you report your car as stolen you will be arrested yourself. I promise. Filing a false report is a crime. Work with your police agency that has jurisdiction and follow their instructions. If you need to retrieve your property by taking the lady to small claims court then file the paperwork. I suspect the police agency will assist since it will be very easy to prove ownership of the vehicle. Again, save yourself some trouble and dont file a stolen vehicle report. You will regret it. ;)

Also, asking legal advice here is about useless. Most here do not know the in's and out's of the law in your state, and most here do not work in the legal profession. Get my drift? Good luck.

Sean is right on this, it won't take the police long to figure out you are attempting to manipulate them into doing your dirty work.

I would take my title, bill of sale, and any other proof of ownership (tag receipts are very good) to the local cops and see if they are willing to help. You will always get further with them if you are open and honest about the situation. Remember it is YOUR property she is holding onto. oh yeah, a letter from a lawyer wouldn't hurt. I get to deal with the police alot, and ususally if you have documentation supporting you they will as well. I sincerely doubt there is any legal reason why you can't retrieve it. In MS during a divorce all property of the marital estate stays where it's at till the judge decides who gets what unless one party goes to volunteering things up. However, YOUR car is not property of THEIR estate.
Go up there yourself, don't take others word. BE NICE! Tell her you don't want any trouble and just trying to avoid hassle for both of you...

If that doesn't work, small claims or a friendly cop my can help...
Bottom line is its your car she CANNOT stop you from taking your property. take your title and the local police and go get your car. Anything you dont have proof of ownership she can stop you from taking, but you should have documentation that its your car.