Thanks for the reply but i already have the Shop Manual and Body Manual.
What i am looking for are colour photo's of said parts. Think of doing a resto on a GN rear axle, and wanting to know if there were any tags or paint splotches, where they are and what colour they were.
A colour photo will tell a thousand more words than a black and white line drawing in a shop manual.
When I owned a C3 Corvette, there was an excellent restoration book that I referred to quite frequently with just the information you are looking for. Surprised nothing similar is available for the GN.
The only book out there is the Kirbans Information Guide 86-87
Buick turbo regal Engine by Pete Hoffman. It's in black and white but I used it to help me when I did my Ttype this winter. It's not a build guide but more of a where did all the stock parts go guide.