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GN vs Dodge charger srt8


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Oct 1, 2007
When you read the thread before,my cousin try to flex on me.But he got his behind handed to him.Soooooo two weeks later my brotha in law stop over to go for a crues,so he parked his 2004 super slow impala(ss) .So we went on a hunt and could not fined nobody ,just burning up gas an how I can I afford it,I don't know.But in the mist of it all a Cute black dodge charger srt8 with the so called 425hp hemi rolled up on me.So the Brotha looked me in my face and ask me if I wanted some,that must of been fate.I told him COME ON I am starvin.So he told me he was goin to serve my ass,I responed bring the noise. So as we sat at the traffic light,with cars in front of us and I could hear the heads on his car blowing like when the light changed his tires broke rubber in the pavement and went around me up the road(it shook me up a little bit ).So I took off after him and he got caught by a light,my brotha in law said his ass can't go nowhere now.So I pulled up beside him as he looked me in the face again an said I'm going to serve your ass.So I said on green.So I boost my car to 5lbs as the stock turbo wined like a jet about to take off.So the light turned green an the gn lauched like a rocket he was never in the race,by 1/8 of a mile I was 4 to 5 cars on him and still pullin strong so I slowed down as he pulled beside me.He made no excuses,he said that turbo is quick as hell I looked at him and knoded my head and we took off .My brotha in law could not beleive the raw power of the gn.Check out my first thread before this one,I list my mods.OH! I forgot to list my magnaflow stainless steel dual exhaust.
As am I so pucking old that I'm the only one who has NO IDEA what the hell he said? Between the ricer pimp talk, all the "so's" and spelling, I haven't a clue.
As am I so pucking old that I'm the only one who has NO IDEA what the hell he said? Between the ricer pimp talk, all the "so's" and spelling, I haven't a clue.

I read the first couple lines, then came to the conclusion that if I read anymore, I would have become slightly retarded.
It's easier if you drink a few Mad Dog 20/20's and read slowly with some hip hop music cranked up.

He said...burp... he raced an SRT8 with his GN and won.

I think something might be wrong with his stock turbo tho'.
In two seperate posts he said it screams (paraphrase) really really loud.

Or maybe somethings wrong with my stock turbo cuz mine is so quiet I have to listen carefully just to here it whistle a little right at spool up.
Oh, oh, oh....almost forgot.

He also says somebody got "fined".

I hate it when that happens. Especially if I have to sit through 8 hours of traffic school to boot.....

...And he might also be hungry....said he's, "starvin"
Heh....what Turbo Buick owner isn't a tad famished.

Can I get a holla?
Whut whuuuuut!

Sorry...this MD 20/20 has a kick.

I'm gonna go buy me a gold plated grill and some hoopties so I can pimp my ride.
Wait a minute....the gold plated grill is supposed to be for my smile...not my GN.

I saw a news story that a bunch of "grills" are being pawned off these days, so I should be able to find a new an happenin' grin at a pawn shop.
...If I knew where one is...
UHHH the stock turbo does not scream. :rolleyes:

The only reason I can hear mine a little is because I'm running an ATR crossflow. When the GN had a TA-61 it was was louder...but no screamer....

Story would have been better without all the ricer talk.. too bad. :tongue:
He said the turbo wined ??? drinks wine?? not that it screams.
whut the h3lls a hooptie? is that anything like a "whip"?:confused:

Well don't I feel stupid?

I used to think it was fancy street talkin' for 20" or larger wheels, but on the online urban dictionary, I found this definition:
Any car that meets the following: a) driver must enter car through passenger side b) three different brand and size tires - 3 of them missing hubcap c) exhaust is held up by half a clothes hanger - other half replaces the antenna d) backfires every three blocks - loudest backfire being when car is turned off e) must open door at drive-threws as windows don't roll down f) you only get one AM station and the tape deck eats all tapes inserted g) can't open the glove box as the whole thing will fall out h) if you let go of steering wheel while driving you'll make a u-turn i) must manually move blinker lever up and down as it no longer blinks on it's own j) must keep one foot on brake and one on accelerator when at a complete stop k) has had the same temporary registration sticker in the window for the last 18 months l) has all the above issues but still has a $200 professional tint job

Like my new grill?:biggrin: There it is again in case you missed it.:tongue:
He said the turbo wined ??? drinks wine?? not that it screams.

Boones Farm....cherry to be exact....
But I gotta say....I likes me some Mad Dog 20/20!!!
Might try it in my alky tank. head hurts....
I just cry when I see what some of these young ricer kids, that somehow manage to get hold of a GN, do to them. I can picture the backwards ball cap, stickers, 22" pimp wheels, etc. Then there is the local gal I met who said I'd recognize her GN on the street because it had purple neon under it. AGGHHHHHHH!!!

OUTTA be a LAW. Can we establish a board to review all GN purchasers for approval?
You WILL LAUGH but 15 years ago when my son was in day care, a guy used to pick up his kid in a real ratty GN and I SWEAR it had zebra striped seat covers.
I just cry when I see what some of these young ricer kids, that somehow manage to get hold of a GN, do to them. I can picture the backwards ball cap, stickers, 22" pimp wheels, etc. Then there is the local gal I met who said I'd recognize her GN on the street because it had purple neon under it. AGGHHHHHHH!!!

OUTTA be a LAW. Can we establish a board to review all GN purchasers for approval?
You WILL LAUGH but 15 years ago when my son was in day care, a guy used to pick up his kid in a real ratty GN and I SWEAR it had zebra striped seat covers.

Oh so VERY true I agree with you 100% :frown:
I agree....nice kill...but by sending that clip, are you telling me my fanny pack isn;t cool anymore?:rolleyes: