GN wheel caps keep falling off


New Member
Apr 11, 2002
Everytime I get a new one it always falls out after several thousand miles. Only thing that stays is that ring where the cap snaps on to. Is there a way to prevent them from coming off? Maybe some epoxy behind the metal ring where the caps tabs go on to?
I bought a cap from a lister that turned out to be missing three of the rivets. :( I drilled out where they used to be and installed very small screws and washers. Banzai 100+ mph run and the cap's still on. Gonna do it to all my caps from now on.
I repaired one by putting glue on all the little tabs that poke through to the ring, no problems yet.
Drilled and screwed mine. Drove over 10,000 miles and they hung on the whole time. Thats the only way to do it in my mind.:D
just my luck. another wheel cap falls off while driving on highway today:mad: Looks like I'm gonna have to spend 44 bucks for two front caps now:( . i'll try the drill and screw trick. All good replies!
An old racer trick!

Get a roll of duct tape (Racer Tape). Cover the tabs with a couple of layers. Fold the excess inside the cap. Leave about 1/8 th of an inch from the ridge of the cap, 'cause when you shove it back on the wheel it will move a little. If you can easily pull the cap off after a couple of layers, try one more layer.

I can't remember if I used three layers, cause the last time I lost one was '88. Got the car in '87. I used colored duct tape (red) that way if the cap moves out a tad you can see it and add another layer of tape.

It's worked so well for me that I forgot that they came off! :)

Let us know how it works!