Gnx #001


New Member
Nov 3, 2003
Does anybody have a link where I can see pictures of GNX #001? I thought Buick still owned it, but I saw elsewhere that the Sloan Museum has it. If anybody has a link to some pics or info, that would be cool. Just a sidethought: If you could put a dollar value on that car, what does everyone think it would be? I don't think it's possible to put a value on that car.
GM still owns the car. They take it to special events such as the Woodward Dream Cruise etc. I've seen it many times and if memory serves has somewhere around 18,000 miles or so.

Value?....hmmmm $70,000 or so would be my guess.

Not sure if I have photos of it but I might. I'd have to dig through 2 CD's to check but will try today.
Yah, I'd have to dig for pictures as well. I have pics of 001 and the prototype from Bowling Green.

I imagine that it would fetch more money then $70,000.
GNX #1 is owned by GM and is in their heritage collection.

When I had my car show this summer GM sent it down in a car hauler for us to drool over :)

It has 3985 miles on it, or did back in July.

I have a ton of pictures of the car from the car show and there are two movies made from the car show this summer.

Here is a movie of the car coming off the trailer: Fling 2004 Unloading GNX 001.wmv

Here is a movie of the whole show so you can see the other GNX's and TR's
Whoa....maybe I mixed up some #'s on the mileage. I've seen it several times at Woodward and when I used to go to the St. Ignace MI shows and lead their parade with my (formerly owned) TTA Pace Car.
Here's a pic of the dashplate....Wouldn't that be sweet......*sigh*


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Originally posted by dhauser
Here's a pic of the dashplate....Wouldn't that be sweet......*sigh*

Wow--that is pretty stunning---i actually have some good pics of 001 on my comp.----but nothing like that.

GNX #500 is at the Sloan Museum. GNX #001 would clearly bring well over $100,000, just based on what has been offered for #547.
Collector value is very hard to judge. I told Mark L. Reuss (Director of GM Performance Division) I wouldn't accept anything under $25k for my car when he asked. He gave me his card and told me to call him if I changed my mind. I did so but with a kid on the way his position changed....thus the market changed.

What I'm getting at is the fact the collecter car market is a nitche market and only a few buyers are on the lookout at one time. It's based on supply and demand. Obviously cars like mine and desirable GNx's are on the "low" side of the supply end so it depends on the demand side of the equation. That'll dictate the going rate.
MUCH bigger hitters would come into the market for GNX #001. I agree with most of what you said, ie a customer of mine sold a mint, 18 mile GN (NOT GNX) recently for $35k. This was a little high in my estimation....but where are you going to find a true 18 mile GN? The vaster collector car market, people that wouldn't normally be in the GNX market would go after #001.
Epitome is right. As a collector car retailer, I've seen it time and again. I would think GNX #001 would sell for between $150k and $200k if marketed properly and/or sold at Barrett Jackson.
I have always heard rumors that the FBI or CIA bought a few GNX's as pursuit cars. Is there any truth to that rumor?
Originally posted by dhauser
Epitome is right. As a collector car retailer, I've seen it time and again. I would think GNX #001 would sell for between $150k and $200k if marketed properly and/or sold at Barrett Jackson.

IMO.. it's worth every dollar of that! Awesome thread guys! thanks for sharing! :) :D :cool:
Originally posted by cwelk87gn
I have always heard rumors that the FBI or CIA bought a few GNX's as pursuit cars. Is there any truth to that rumor?


The FBI and CT State Police had GN's or T-Types. I believe GN's for the CT cops and T-Types for the FBI.

They were very similar to stock cars, but they had shotgun racks, and no top speed limiter on the chip.
Originally posted by Shane
I believe GN's for the CT cops and T-Types for the FBI.

CT state troopers drove '87 Turbo Regals (Turbo T) from what I saw back in the day.