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The Cleaner
Apr 8, 2002
ok I know is this is very mean
but I thought I would have to post it
one of my friends with a semi riced honda accord 2 door
was racing a couple days ago
well we all know that honda and hyundai and all those other econobox cars put speedometers in their cars that say 140mph :rolleyes: anyway I guess my friend (when he was racing) wanted to try and prove that it could reach that point (which they obviously cant, I think the only way they will reach 140mph is if they get dropped out of a plane) anyway his cars is stock except for exhaust and a front side skirt
so he was racing some other slow car (honda,hyundai etc) and for whatever dumb reason took it too 120mph, very stupid if you ask me, well he kind of proved to himself that no honda is reaching 140mph with his mods cause his engine freaking blew up, I am not sure on the specifics but the engine is totally wasted
sorry to make this so long, just wanted to get everything out

What is it with Accords losing their lunch? Who put the story in here a couple of weeks ago about the Accord engine with a window in it?
Oh yeah, ask your bud if his tires are rated for 140, or 120 for that matter. Good way to end up dead
HEHE, i've proved it!

My speedo goes to 85 and i've done it! :D

I've actually gone faster, but can't tell if the engines got a governor, or it just gives up?:confused: ;) :p
Yep, I bury my speedo almost once a day:) . I love it when people gauge how fast a car is by what the speedo says. I always reply "You want to see how fast it gets there?". ;)
I know whatcha mean

I know what your saying PBB. People think 95, 85, 140, or whatever is how fast a car will go.

A friend of mines dad has a '97 Chevy p/u, and he always tells me, it'll go 100 (thats what the speedo says) but i'm sure its faster then that.

I always tell him that the top speed doesn't matter, it's all about HP/TQ and how fast you'll be going through the traps. But he doesn't understand:confused: :D :p