Gots to Go : HotAir for sale; very low $$$

Thanks for the inquiries

Gang, I got really tired of the humbug of selling my T. I got more calls from people who wanted to help me sell my car (madness). And a friend of a friend who wanted the car soooooooo badddllly but wanted me to wait a few weeks (delirious). And then, unfortunately, legit calls after the car was sold (damn). Well, deadlois is the proud new owner, a REALLY great guy, and although I made HIM wait, he showed up in a moment's notice when I asked if he was still interested. Not that my T is a cherry 10 (cause it aint), but the principle of it all. I'm glad he got it for the nice price of $260 along with a prepaid tow to his residence. Mahalo, John, now YOU da man........ :)