Grand national flag

grand national flag for christmas gift

if anyone is interested i have the gn flag still available ideal for a christmas gift :cool:
I'll be easy here...I just need it by the 12th to be case your making them as they are pd for. I have a sign business...I can understand.
I'll be easy here...I just need it by the 12th to be case your making them as they are pd for. I have a sign business...I can understand.

If you look at my first response, it was to a post where he said he had 'one left', meaning it was already made. I can understand if he's making them as he gets the money, but a month and a half (in my case) is too long. Especially since he told me it was shipped. Twice.

Still no flag for me. My people are going to want to talk to his people.


EDIT: Most recent correspondence:

jackwill said:
hi sorry for the delay it should arrive soon this week or next please be patient
turbojimmy said:
Have you sent this yet? It's been several weeks. I'm going to file a complaint with PayPal and here on unless I get it soon.

jackwill said:
yes i have already sent it.
it should arrive next week



turbojimmy said:

I haven't received my flag yet. Did you sent it?

Thank you,
Got my flag yesterday. It's nice, but not worth the hassle of dealing with the guy's lies. If he had simply told me he forgot, or needed more time to make it I'd have understood. Instead he kept telling me he sent it.

Looks like he's hawking them under a different thread now.

Sent you the money via Paypal

I am selling for $21 shipped this GRAND NATIONAL FLAG. It measures 4 x 2 feet and comes with 2 cords to attached for easy installation on your flag pole or anywhere you want
Feel free to mail me at


I sent you the money yesterday via paypal as per your request.
Please also send me a tracking number and confirmation that you receiced my email after payment?

Thank you,

Jeff Scher