Hans Blix credibility gone...

Yea it looks like we are going in alone. That is the way we should keep it, the UN is turning into a joke....... reminds me of Mad Max Road Warrior when they all sit around and nothing gets done. The French and the germans and the UN are a waist. I support Bush and our troops 100%;)
Re: Mark the date, guys... 3/21/03

Originally posted by Chuck Leeper
I'm predicting that NLT 3/11, ol GB will have made the decision public.[He made the decision many months ago and has not said so]
By 3/21/03, Saddam and his merry band of murderers will be running for cover so FAST, they'll die from heat exhaustion!!

ALSO, be aware that there's a high likelyhood that there could be a coup before the first bomb falls. GB and Tony B. have made 3/17 "drop dead day". I think no amt of protesting by the queer from France or Hitler's "grandson", or any of the other losers involved in this deal will, or has ever, made an impression on GB's decisions..
EVERY single one of these a$$holes have been SAVED by the good ol USA!!
China had the Japs pulled off during WW2.
France had Hitler runoff after they GAVE the entire country to him without a fight.
Germany had the Russians held off by our troops during the cold war, and was liberated when we kicked Hitler's A$$.
The Russians eat our food, spend our money, after we ran Communisim out. Theyr'e now repayng us w/ spies, organized crime, etc...
Turkey, anyone that craps in their pantaloons, IS NOT someone I'd want to be in a foxhole with anyway. 1 way to handle them, is to block ALL the illegal truck traffic from the N. Iraq oil fields.. Maybe cooking and heating w/ dried camel pies will become a more accepted way of life for those a$$holes too.

Put the UN on notice that their "lease" on the bldg is being terminated and they need to find quarters elsewhere in the world. Sure would eliminate alot of spies being here as diplomats!!

Bottom line: SCREW them! Kick Saddam's ass, keep the oil money til we get our war debt paid, give every GI that was there 1 million dollars, and have no $$ for ANY country that did not support the deal.. ever! Make it a constitutional amendment that it be illegal to ever support any country that pulls the $hit that these morons pulled.

Hans Blix is/was a loser that couldn't hold a real job in life, so... he became a ??? He is there to fill a "void" in the process of appeasing the bed wetters.. There is a "I told you so" scenario coming from the administration. GB and co. knew from the git go that they would have to give the rest of the world a "chance" to do this little charade.. Now it's come down to the ending like the old Disney cartoons ended with: "THAT'S ALL FOLKS!".

It's all over for Saddam except the "sad singin and the slow walkin"..:D :D

And I'm too old to join in the fun!!:mad:

Ahhhh the French

Remember back when Libia was giving us fits...and we sent a squadron of F-111 to take out our buddy Mommar K. Well thanks to our French Allies our pilots had an additional 24hrs of flight time cause they were not allowed to use the French airspace. If memory serves me right I think an errant bomb hit the French Embassy during the attack.

Iraq Asks Blix to Baghdad on Deadline Day.
As the U.S. presses its case for war, Hussein invites U.N. inspector to visit March 17, when the regime is being told it may face attack.
WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration mounted a last-ditch effort Sunday to win public and diplomatic support for military action against Iraq, while Iraqi President Saddam Hussein countered by inviting the chief U.N. weapons inspector to Baghdad on March 17 -- America's proposed deadline for Iraq to disarm or face war.
LOL! Maybe that will take care of the "Blix problem"!

Blix is probably too smart to become an unwitting "human shield" in an F16's bomb sights ... that's more than you can say for some of the daffy pro-Saddam protesters who have streamed into Iraq in recent months.

A famous quote, attributed (I think) to the WW2 totalitarian maniac Josef Stalin, is "they make useful idiots".
from today's Wall Street Journal, it appears that Blix conveniently "overlooks" weapons of mass destruction. Yeah, his team DOES bury it in 100s of pages of paperwork, but Blix goes out of his way to avoid mention of it during his high profile TV appearances, surmising (perhaps correctly) that the vast majority of TV viewers will not bother to read any deeper:
Is the U.N. Imploding?
Hans Blix is looking increasingly like a shill for the French. The chief U.N. weapons inspector's upbeat oral presentation to the U.N. Security Council Friday fit right in with Paris's agenda of allowing Iraq to evade the demands of Resolution 1441 and its 16 predecessors. Blix and France's Foreign Minister Dominique de Villepin spoke glowingly of Iraq's "progress" in cooperating with inspectors.

Anyone who's read Resolution 1441 knows this is a sham. The resolution, on which France voted oui, demands "immediate compliance" from Iraq, not small steps dragged out over months. But Blix may have done more than simply collaborate with the French in its effort to deny the plain meaning of 1441. Saturday's Times of London reports that Blix's written report "contained a hidden bombshell" that Blix did not bother to mention when he appeared on Friday: "that inspectors have recently discovered an undeclared Iraqi drone with a wingspan of 7.45m [just under 25 feet], suggesting an illegal range that could threaten Iraq's neighbours with chemical and biological weapons."

Today's Times adds that "Britain and the United States will today press the chief UN weapons inspector to admit that he has found a 'smoking gun' in Iraq." The report notes that the Iraqi regime had not even declared the existence of the drone. "It would be the first undeclared weapons programme found by the UN."

Today's New York Times reports that inspectors also found "a new variety of rocket seemingly configured to strew bomblets filled with chemical or biological agents over large areas." The Iraqis at first claimed that the delightfully named Frog rocket "was designed as a conventional cluster bomb, which would scatter explosive submunitions over its target, and not as a chemical weapon," the Times reports, citing an unnamed American official. "A few days later, he said, the Iraqis conceded that some might have been configured as chemical weapons."

And although Iraq is obliged to destroy all chemical and biological weapons, London's Sunday Times notes that Blix "said there was 'credible information' that Iraq never destroyed 21,000 litres of biological warfare agents, including 10,000 litres of anthrax, stored during the 1990 Gulf war. There was also 'credible information' that Iraq had 7,000 litres more biological warfare agents in bombs and warheads than it had declared."

Despite all of this, a U.N. resolution declaring Iraq not to be in compliance with its obligations faces the threat of a veto from the perfidious French. Little wonder that, as Reuters reports, Saddam Hussein feels emboldened to demand that the U.N. lift sanctions against Iraq and disarm Israel instead. One can hardly fault the Iraqi dictator's logic. If the U.N., led by the French, isn't serious enough about its resolutions to enforce them, why shouldn't it simply repeal them and welcome this murderous tyrant back into the "family of nations"?

Fortunately for all of us, and above all for the Iraqi people, President Bush has made clear that America will step in even if the U.N. shirks its responsibility. This is what galls the Gauls, who see the U.N. chiefly as a means of restraining American power, regardless of the cost to freedom and international security. Which leads us to a question: If the U.N. has become primarily an anti-American outfit, is there any reason for America to continue participating in it?

This question may have occurred to the administration as well. The Daily Telegraph's Stephen Pollard reports:

Well-connected advisers tell me that if, as now seems likely, the UN refuses to back action against terror, Mr Bush will announce a "temporary" suspension of America's membership, to be accompanied by an offer: if the UN gets its act together and carries out long-overdue reforms, America (and its money) will return. But if there is no reform, the temporary withdrawal will, de facto, become permanent.

When we were in Washington earlier this month, we heard similar rumors. There's certainly an argument to be made that the U.N., as presently constituted, is worse than useless. For one thing, despite the U.N.'s professed aversion to war, what it really seems to object to is victory. In the U.N.'s 58-year history, two wars have been waged under Security Council auspices: Korea and the Gulf War. Both ended with less than total victories, leaving in power two of the worst tyrannies on earth, which are now two of the world's most dangerous rogue states. (If the U.N. instead of the Allies had fought World War II, Germany might still be ruled by Nazis instead of weasels.) U.N. peacekeeping operations, too, are at best a mixed bag, with a record of failing to prevent such horrors as the Srebrenica massacre and the Rwanda genocide.
Geez, this whole thread is so retarded. What's more likely, that the whole frickin world is wrong and we're right, or maybe we're just acting a little crazy here. And don't say Great Britain is behind us, cause they aren't, only Tony Blair is, cause he knows GB needs us.

Anyways, I don't see why we don't just stop supporting Israel. Are you really suprised they're being attacked from every which direction? How would you like it if the UN decided to make a nation for members of Al'Qaeda and plopped it down right in the middle of the Great Plains? Don't tell me you don't think we wouldn't do something about it. Now, I know we wouldn't do dumb stuff like suicide bomb them or something, but think about it. And has no one noticed the fact that these days Israel is doing just as much dumb and horrific things as the Palestinians?

Now, I'm not sure, cause we've been helping them so long I doubt it would help our popularity over there any, but I bet if we stopped sending crap to Israel and backing them up, terrorism would really die down here.

Disclaimer: I am no way antisemitic, I just don't think it's right for a country to be created out of thin air and plopped down in the middle of an area where the people there hate the people who will live in the new country. I mean really, what did the UN think would happen?
Geez, this whole thread is so retarded

Theres an intelligent statment:rolleyes:

or maybe we're just acting a little crazy here

Your right, France and China know whats best for us. They are looking out for our best interest in your naive analysis.

Anyways, I don't see why we don't just stop supporting Israel

Because they would be slaughtered in the streets by lunatic radicals. Israel is not without blame in this situation, but no one deserves what they have/ are enduring. Period.

Disclaimer: I am no way antisemitic

Um Ok. This thread is not about how evil Israel is, its about the credability or lack there of Mr Blix has displayed. But thanks for hi jacking the thread with your thoughtfull insight:rolleyes:
Mwahahah, and so the Lord said "Let the flames of Hell be brought down upon him, because he hath disagreed with the posters in the thread" and it was so.

P.S. I love how you so convieniently avoided any of the useful arguments in my thread. So tell me, what WOULD you do if there was a nation of Al'Qaeda plopped down in the middle of the US? Hmmm?

P.P.S. "Pre-emptive(sp?) Defense" 0wns you
P.S. I love how you so convieniently avoided any of the useful arguments in my thread. So tell me, what WOULD you do if there was a nation of Al'Qaeda plopped down in the middle of the US? Hmmm?

Thats your "useful argument"?? Its a ludicrous comparison at best. You are comparing the Jews to radical terrorists, yet maintain that you are not antisemitic.:rolleyes:

As for the rest of your post, you seriously need to grow up.
I never called the Jews terrorists, I simply said that if thw UN plopped down a country full of people we hate in the middle of our country, do you not think we would try to get rid of them? Because that is exactly what happened after WWII in regards to Israel. The UN created a country where there hadn't been one for hundreds of years, amidst people that despise Jewish people, and are suprised that there's violence.
Originally posted by EQPlayer
Anyways, I don't see why we don't just stop supporting Israel. Are you really suprised they're being attacked from every which direction?

And has no one noticed the fact that these days Israel is doing just as much dumb and horrific things as the Palestinians?

.. I bet if we stopped sending crap to Israel and backing them up, terrorism would really die down here.
Oh my, where to start? :rolleyes:

Israel is the only democracy in the middle east, with anything approaching "human rights", and has a reasonable economy (even considering the heavy defense expenditures).

The arab countires of the middle east have the highest concentration of broken down, decrepit economies in the world, and without a doubt the highest concentration of totalitarian/dictator/"king for life" monarchies. Women will get beaten (or worse) for holding hands in some of the more ridgid countries (eg Saudi Arabia).

The palestinians and their crazed muslim accomplices consciously and intentionally try to maim & kill innocent bystanders & civilians: in schools, pizza parlors, in markets. To suggest the Isarelis even REMOTELY approach this indiscriminate barbarism is ludicrous.

I doubt terrorism would stop if Israel disappeared. The muslim fanatics view this as a "war of civilizations". Their days of glory faded 1200 years ago, and they haven't got over it. They will not stop until every western & asian civilization is gone. They hate you, and everything you represent. They believe they go to heaven when they kill non-muslim children & bystanders. They are not rational ...
Originally posted by EQPlayer
I never called the Jews terrorists, I simply said that if thw UN plopped down a country full of people we hate in the middle of our country, do you not think we would try to get rid of them? Because that is exactly what happened after WWII in regards to Israel. The UN created a country where there hadn't been one for hundreds of years, amidst people that despise Jewish people, and are suprised that there's violence.

If they plopped them down in the desert of the US on government land, set up a democracy, didn't persecute people based on religion, and embraced capitalism, I don't think most people in the US would have a problem with it.

If someone hates someone for no reason, its the haters problem, not those that are hated.

As for the plight of the palestinians, Yasser Arafat has $300 million dollars of personal fortune. Why doesn't HE help them rather than line his own pockets?

Muslims, like hitler, use the jews as a convenient excuse not to look at the REAL problems. You are doing the same.
You're right........we should just desert our allies. That's what we're about.....right? I don't think so. Maybe you don't hate Jews. You're just looking for an easy way out. There's no easy way. We have been attacked for our way of life and no other reason.

With much deliberation, the UN agreed upon the creation of the Israeli state. I'm pretty sure there was nothing there but barren land when it was formed. You mean their little country takes so much away from the vast arab lands? Arabs hate them because they have different values. Values like we have over here. Women in Saudi Arabia aren't even allowed to drive a car. They can be beaten or murdered without anyone getting upset. Yes, we should stop supporting Israel. That would be smart.:rolleyes:
You think the Palestinians hate the Israelis for no reason? They hate them because
A. They have a history of conflict dating back thousands of years.
B. They took their land. Now, to be fair, the Israelis didn't take it, it was the UN that came up with the brilliant idea to put Israel there. PLus, many important Muslim religous sites are in Israel, as well as Jewish.


Originally posted by EQPlayer
Mwahahah, and so the Lord said "Let the flames of Hell be brought down upon him, because he hath disagreed with the posters in the thread" and it was so...


It's not because you disagree with people that they come down hard on you. It is because your information is just plain wrong. If you did any research you would find that out quite quickly.

Now, I do think the whole world is wrong and we are right. I don't have the slightest doubt in my mind, and I challenge you to give us any factual or well though out reasoning based on fact that says otherwise.

Also, for some reason people have a mistaken belief that the UN is some higher moral power. It is anything but.

Furthermore, I have infinitely more faith that my country is a better judge of what is required to keep me and my fellow Americans safe than some international round table.

Chris S
Wow, thanks for reminding me my name is Abdul, I had no idea. Don't know how I could have forgoten that. and when did I say I wasn't a troll? My last thread was something to the effect of "why are TR owners so arrogant and cocky?" And of course Israel took land in it's creation. You think there was just a big empty spot on the map that said "Insert country here"?

And I hope you do realise that the US is not the savior of the world. We have done more backhanded, arrogant, and elitist crap in our day than many countries of the world combined.