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harley v-rod


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Active Member
Oct 23, 2002
me and a friend, warren tompson, decided to go grab a bite to eat tonight, on the way back from windys a new harley v rod decided that i was going to slow and that he felt like he had to pass me at full throttle.

now im not the kind of person that shows off nor am i the type that enjoys watching people embarise there selves;) but when that harley gunned it next to my door i knew the race was on so i guned it and broke the tires loose at around 40 and they kept spining for a pretty good way before she hooked and really took off, this let the harley pull up to my nose. now this was not a ordinary race, it was up hill and i had some one in the car that has never been in a fast car. the fastest car that he had ever driven in before the gn was a mid 80s dodge datona. about half way threw the race i looked over at the guy on the v rod and smiled as i was inching away from him, i even had the guts to wave at him. by the time that we shut down his tire was next to the back half of my door, i had to look back alittle to see his bike :p

one of the funny things was that when he got behind me i got in to his lane and slowed down to around 20 mph to let him come up beside of me so i could give him a thumbs up, but he stayed back, i had to slow down to 10 mph before he turned off (note: he wasent that far back, about 2 cars, he was just trying to avoid me but could not get to a road to turn off fast enough) the other funny thing was warren, remember the fastest he has ever been in a car is about 65 in a datona:D he was white as a ghost and his hands and feet was shaken, it took him 2 blocks before he could blink most less let go of the seat.:D
i guss i should have added in the first word he said after the race, we made it 3 or 4 blocks to where his car was parked and after i parked the car and shut it off he was like "dammnnnnn" in the same kind of voice that you hear when some ones been puntched in the cest and had the breath knocked out of him.:D :p :D
I love taking newbies for a ride in the black beast. Red faces, sweaty palms, rubbery legs that won't stand up on the way out and my favorite of all, the "funky hampster move" where the newbie frantically grabs for something, ANYTHING!, to try and bring security back to their world to the point where you are sure they are going to tear out your dash or headliner.

The pointy-toes ramrod-zombie move is another good newbie reaction. "OK buddy, you can breath now, Dr. Death is gone."

My favorite was the friend that though he could talk smart-ass smack about GNs all the way to the freeway. The yakking was steady until I hammered the go pedal at which point the talk ceased as abruptly as turning off a switch. Got him back to his office in silence at which point all he offered on the way out was "fast car". Haven't heard anymore smack talk from him again - ever. There seems to be something about the genuine fear of dieing that alters peoples attitudes. Maybe also the fear of having to go for another ride if he starts talking smak again? :)

Went to the IHRA Rocky Mountain drags this weekend and watched a top fueler lay down a 4.69 second run at 308 mph at the top and at 2200 ft altatude. Scares the crap out of me every time these things let go. What a f****n rush. It has to be the closest one can ever come to experiencing being a suicide bomber without actually strapping on the vest and pulling the rip chord directly. We closed down the whole office and took the entire staff to the tracks for an afternoon of awesome racing action all on the company's dime. Created three new drag fans with that move!
V-rod specs

The v-rod has around 115 hp and will turn high 11's stock. Its probably the fastest stock harley ever built. Of course, to get those times it would probably be a little harder for the average guy on a harley unless he's dragged before.

I'd say the average rider would get about mid 12's or something like that, so this bike would take most normal and fast street cars. Unlike a typical stock harley, this one backs it up.

Just curious, I wonder if he downshifted when he passed you to get the rpm's up. On a motorcycle I usually don't downshift much when passing because its not necesary most times. I could easily be taken off guard if I'm not in the right gear and I was passing a relatively fast car. Of course, if your car is in the 11's or so, you shouldn't have much of a problem either way.

Just curious, I wonder if he downshifted when he passed you to get the rpm's up. On a motorcycle I usually don't downshift much when passing because its not necesary most times. I could easily be taken off guard if I'm not in the right gear and I was passing a relatively fast car. Of course, if your car is in the 11's or so, you shouldn't have much of a problem either way.

no he did not down shift, there was no need for him to. we were in a turning lane (stop light) going left on to this hill, i took the right and he took the left and as soon as we got around the turn he tryed to fly by me so i stabed it (in other words he got the jump). sence it was from a roll and i had no way of brake boosting and compounded with the problem of my street tires he was able to pull on me until the car hooked up.

eather way i think i would have beat him by a few more cars if i would have had the chance to run him with some slicks and on flat ground, after all i was haulen my cars 4000 lb ass up a hill.

Went to the IHRA Rocky Mountain drags this weekend and watched a top fueler lay down a 4.69 second run at 308 mph at the top and at 2200 ft altatude. Scares the crap out of me every time these things let go. What a f****n rush. It has to be the closest one can ever come to experiencing being a suicide bomber without actually strapping on the vest and pulling the rip chord directly. We closed down the whole office and took the entire staff to the tracks for an afternoon of awesome racing action all on the company's dime. Created three new drag fans with that move!

Why can't I work for a company like that?? Sometimes we'll get concert tickets, but it's hit or miss on them being anyone I want to see in concert. When I get back, I gotta talk to the county. :)

Good kill, BTW.

I've raced a bike before and hung with him. The look on his face when I was still there was PRICELESS.
You broke the tires loose at 40?? Man, I got something really wrong with my car. I'm lucky if they break loose at 20! I need someone in the Buffalo NY area to take it for a spin and tell me what the he!! I'm doing wrong. Even at 20 lbs boost it kinda "hazes" the tires, but not much else.
ive had the tires spinning past 40 before but that will all end soon, i spun my wheels inside my tires so badly i destroyed my beads, got some 275 60 15 drag radials in the mail.:D