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Heading to Street Legal Drags Sat Nov. 12th


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Drip Pan

Every Buick needs one!
Mar 27, 2005
I know it's not the private track rental from as there are no more dates available in 2005, but the SLDs are being held on November 12th and December 3rd. I'll probably look to take advantage of the weather we've been having and try to get out there this coming Saturday. If anyone's interested in joining me, let me know.

If you decide to go I might tag along to watch. I need a diversion from my house projects. ;) It's always run to hang out with all the wanna be gangsters in their 16 second gutted Hondas at the Street Legals. :) Hey, maybe I should bring my Roadmaster wagon and see if I can set up some grudge matches.


Drip Pan said:
I know it's not the private track rental from as there are no more dates available in 2005, but the SLDs are being held on November 12th and December 3rd. I'll probably look to take advantage of the weather we've been having and try to get out there this coming Saturday. If anyone's interested in joining me, let me know.
750H.P.V6 said:

If you decide to go I might tag along to watch. I need a diversion from my house projects. ;) It's always run to hang out with all the wanna be gangsters in their 16 second gutted Hondas at the Street Legals. :) Hey, maybe I should bring my Roadmaster wagon and see if I can set up some grudge matches.


if you bring the wagon then I'll bring the Taurus :D

-scott wile
Hey morgan i dont know if you remember me i talked to you last month about tuning my car. I'll try and make it down had to get a new trans from Len, btw he wants you to contact him about your trans.
SLD'S? Where's it at? Hey Neal, I need to talk to you some time about tweaking my chips (new mods). I hear that you moved? is your # still the same?

Mike Barnard
ok sooo date, times, location? can we at least all meet in the same area?

lets have at it! I really need to see some racing, I have 3 midterms and an essay due this week. All nighter #4 this semester was last night, gonna have to pull another one on weds.
What time is everyone getting there, 5 a.m. ? earlier ? To be gauranteed one of the elite 400
WoW thats real early, let me know, its a stones throw away from the house, i could swing that time if need be
sounds early, if anyone who has a 11 second GN or faster that doesn't wanna wake up early to get in line, drop me a PM Ill be more then happy to get you a spot with your car :D

With that said LETS PICK OR AGREE ON A SPOT FOR ALL TO MEET. I tryed to find a picture of the PIT AREA from the site, but was unable too. If you have a picture of the PITS post it. It would be easy to post a picture of the PITS with a CIRCLED or MARKED area for us to meet. Take less then 2 or 3 minutes.

If not then ill just swing in around 9ish. Led u going for sure? Id love to cruise in a GN sence I havn't been in one for 2 years :mad: If not thats cool too, getting 50mpg in the prius isn't bad either but it sure as hell an't no GN thats for sure! :cool:
XxDarkSidexX said:
sounds early, if anyone who has a 11 second GN or faster that doesn't wanna wake up early to get in line, drop me a PM Ill be more then happy to get you a spot with your car :D

With that said LETS PICK OR AGREE ON A SPOT FOR ALL TO MEET. I tryed to find a picture of the PIT AREA from the site, but was unable too. If you have a picture of the PITS post it. It would be easy to post a picture of the PITS with a CIRCLED or MARKED area for us to meet. Take less then 2 or 3 minutes.

If not then ill just swing in around 9ish. Led u going for sure? Id love to cruise in a GN sence I havn't been in one for 2 years :mad: If not thats cool too, getting 50mpg in the prius isn't bad either but it sure as hell an't no GN thats for sure! :cool:
Hope that everybody has fun & does well.
XxDarkSidexX said:
sounds early, if anyone who has a 11 second GN or faster that doesn't wanna wake up early to get in line, drop me a PM Ill be more then happy to get you a spot with your car :D

With that said LETS PICK OR AGREE ON A SPOT FOR ALL TO MEET. I tryed to find a picture of the PIT AREA from the site, but was unable too. If you have a picture of the PITS post it. It would be easy to post a picture of the PITS with a CIRCLED or MARKED area for us to meet. Take less then 2 or 3 minutes.

If not then ill just swing in around 9ish. Led u going for sure? Id love to cruise in a GN sence I havn't been in one for 2 years :mad: If not thats cool too, getting 50mpg in the prius isn't bad either but it sure as hell an't no GN thats for sure! :cool:

Hey Marc. No I can't go or I would definatly drive you up there. We have our last game saturday so I'll be there.

Many GN guys pit near the back along the bushes. Its out of the way of traffic and everyone can pit there. Maybe one of them will chim in and say exactly where it is....
cool well good luck on your game, your not playing right? With your whole knee thing. If you ever got the number for that rehab place let me know, i still need to get a good rehab doc.

Yea it would be great for some1 to chim in, if you decide to chim in be a lil more specific on where you will be pitting, so it would be a SPOT or something. Or "Many GN guys pit near the back along the bushes" if fine too.
During the track rental deals we typically pit in the middle toward the concession stand becuase there's enough room. During the SLDs, though, I typically try to "set up shop" by the bushes where most of the handicapped spaces are located as I'm less likely to have someone parked next to me with their BOOM stereo and ( c)rap music going. ;) The handicapped spaces are along the curbing on the left as you make the U-turn from the tech area and head toward the pits.

EDIT: Dale-- thanks for the note about Len!
Drip Pan said:
During the track rental deals we typically pit in the middle toward the concession stand becuase there's enough room. During the SLDs, though, I typically try to "set up shop" by the bushes where most of the handicapped spaces are located as I'm less likely to have someone parked next to me with their BOOM stereo and ( c)rap music going. ;) The handicapped spaces are along the curbing on the left as you make the U-turn from the tech area and head toward the pits.

EDIT: Dale-- thanks for the note about Len!

Waaaah....actually it all sucks :biggrin:

-scott wile