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Help my 85 GN still won't start?


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Full of Hot Air
Jun 17, 2003
Hi all I posted up here a week ago about my 85 National that still won't start in hopes you might point me in the correct direction.

I have spark and fuel pressure but car will not start. I shot a little starting ether into the throttlebody car kinda starts spits and sputters then dies I hear the fuel pump rebuild pressure.

I do not know how to check to see if injectors are working?

I checked all fuses under dash all appear good is there another place? and wich fuse is for injectors? car is a stock 85 with 67K miles.

I just added another couple gallons of gas and injector cleaner in it to try and help it out.

Could this be a cam sensor I hear so much about and if so where is cam sensor located and look like? I am broke and being forced to sell car so I need to get this girl moving any information or suggestion you may have will be greatly appreciated.

no i do not have diagnostic tools to read codes

Thanks again
If it spits and sputters when you spray starting fluid, the cam sensor has to be working in order for it to have spark.

I believe there are two fuses that can shut the injectors down but don't remember off the top of my head besides the FP/INJ fuse.

To test, unplug an injector. With the ignition on, one terminal on the harness should have 12V+. If not, I would recheck the fuses. The computer grounds the other terminal to fire them. You can use a test light or a small light bulb like a dashboard light in the socket, have someone crank it over and see if the light flashes. If not, it could be a lot of things.
Thanks for the info I looked up the fuse under the driver side dash looks good and will check to see if it has spark tomorrow I need someone to crank it over for me.
Sucks living in a new area no more good neighbors nosey to help out. Ohh well the wife will have to do. I will post to let you all know how it goes.

Since I owned the car it always seemed to be lacking power top end like not enough fuel must be a combination of clogged injectors and electrical. I see a few guys are selling stock injectors for around $100 I better count my pennys. Do you know how many #'s stock injectors are 24? 34? :)

I want to make sure I get the correct size is there a difference between 84,85 86-87 injectors? I don't want to change my chip I need to sell car not sink amore cash into it.

1 last thing umm err I never removed an injector before I know the electrical for them but physically is there any trick? or just unscrew them.. Well I will have to find some sort of diagram for this one ..

Thanks again for help
IT lives!!!!!!!

I found the problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know how or why this stuff happens to me!! I went out to the parts stor bought a el cheapo scanner for $30 and a test light I tkled the problem again injectors are getting juice service engine light would not come on so I was pissed.

I was to the point of frustration when I yanked the chip from the computer and tried to start the service engine light flashed this time ???? I replaced chip and pushed computer out of way and car started Yeeeehaah!!! but that was not the problem after 10 minutes of running I was confidewnt for once down the block

It stalled and wouldn't start no service engine light?? I was about to lose it stranded 2 blocks from home when I started to take a close look at the computer trried the same as I did to get it to go and nothing.. I was so mad I wanted to tear the computer out and kick it so I started to take computer out of car when!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is right there was corrosion in pins #11 12 13 14 15 16 Heck Pin#16 on the top was so coordced it came off :eek:
I quickly waled home and started looking for the computer that was in car when I bought it (Ireplaced the original because the previous owner for some reason took the casing off of it.

I went back to car plugged the original naked computer back in and voila it started !!!!!! Came home and here I am typing to you

I just wanted to thank everyone for all their help I could not have diagnosed the problem if it wasn't for everyones encouragement and ideas So a big THANK YOU to all.

Bill Manning