lowered the fp to 42#. still breaking up at higher rpms. I mean the car noses over like i let out of the throttle and the turbo sneezes back thru the filter. I tried a Jay Carter street chip instead of the max effort chip. i think it could be my cam sensor. It is installed with the wires in the cap coming out at 11:00 o'clock instead of 5:00 o'clock. I used a cam sensor tool and the lights are green which means the window is lined up correctly. Does the direction of these wires matter, if the tool says it is set correctly and does this have any effect on higher rpm breakdown?
Also, does anyone out there with an Art Carr non-lockup converter have a stalling problem when you let out of the gas?
Also, does anyone out there with an Art Carr non-lockup converter have a stalling problem when you let out of the gas?