My friends, reading this is sad to see another GN brother has a new engine get F'd by this.
Can we team up (
you smart and experienced members) and the group starts a ....
Go Fund Me, GN USA Timing Cover
This new cover puts an end to all this FOREVER and we get this quality cover 3D Scanned, CAD and then you smart guys created .....
I will donate $250, hell I'll get my Mech Eng friend to 3D Scan and CAD it if that's needed.
Save the baby engines people.
It'll also stop the OEM cover hoarding
Solve the "Did I get a Chinese cover"?
Cure the need of getting drunk and future AA meetings to handle an engine break in and loss. BTW, the time to build an engine in itself is longer than ever due to part delays. Time missed enjoying our GNs.
Who cares if the covers double the price, ask OP if he'd pay $600 for a guaranteed cover/oil gear package that would've stopped this.
I've been out of the game a while but getting good covers seemed easier years ago. I noticed this on my build, damn times have changed.
I know these things take time, who's the leader possible ego stuff, who's gonna make the money etc, I'll donate, you can hold me to this if a serious team is put together. I don't care about any of that, I'm an end gamer getting buried in it.
There's some incredible minds on here and we're getting killer 21st century stuff year after year, let's knock this one out.