HELP! Stranded in Atlana (bad MAF)43-9261


Short Guy
TurboBuick.Com Supporter!
Jun 18, 2001
Hey, I'm stuck in Atlanta with a crapped out MAF.

None of the parts stores have them in stock, will take until Monday to get one.

Anybody have a used working original MAF, or know where I can get an LT1 and Translator in the Atlanta Area?

Somebody call me:


Thanks! I've got a call into the shop and the owner's home number. Just waiting for a callback.

I'll post on here as soon as I have something. If you don't see a post, you can assume I don't yet. Keep calling if you have something that'll help!

Thanks again, everybody!
Made it home

Still don't know what's wrong with it.

Thanks to Dana Wyatt for all his time and help!
What happen???

Did ya get going yet??? Dana could he help ya out with the problem ..How did ya meet up with him since you are traveling.I have met him once he seems to be a very knowledgeable guy, surely he will fix ya up.