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Hi everyone, and some questions


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New Member
Sep 28, 2002
First off, let me say hello to all the Turbo Buick guys. I'm a Turbo Ford guy myself, and a member of and I'm here because of the Buick guys' alky experience. I'm putting a Ford 2300 turbo engine together right now, with Wiseco flat top pistons (~9-9.5:1 CR) rather than the factory 8:1 and I'm looking into water/methanol injection. I'm planning to either buy Snow Performance's kit (since I have a local dealer) or build a kit. My questions are to the DIY kit owners: what kind of pumps are you running (windshield washer pumps, fuel pumps, bilge pumps, etc); are you running a boost referenced tank; what kind of nozzles (nitrous fogger, water nozzles from McMaster-Carr, etc); What kind of activation (Hobbs switch, throttle position sensor, etc). I want to gather as much info as possible on a DIY kit before I even think too hard about it. There's a thread on the General Techboard at titled "Who has Spearco Water Injection" or something like that right now if anyone cares to check it out. Looking forward to hear a wide range of setups, and some that WORK WELL. Any of you guys in South GA/ North FL? I know a few local GN owners, but none w/ alky experience :) Later guys

Never heard of anyone using a bilge pump:D

Windshield washer pumps are not powerful enough as a general rule. You can use an external fuel pump like I have which is rated for 90psi. Actually the best way to go is with an Aquamist adjustable pump but they are none too cheap, and some say they dont hold up to alcohol well (it says it right on the pump)

My system uses a NOS nozzle and flare type jets. SMC uses a type of chemical spraying jet that is supposed to have better atomization. A NOS brand Hobbs switch works well and is adjustable through a wide range

Take a look here for some good info
Thanks for the responses/ links guys. I like the 'kit' on stevemon's page, with the Shurflo pump. I'm about to check out the other links. Keep em coming guys.