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High HC on CA smog with TT emission chip


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Wish I Had A Clone. AKA Andrew Youlio
May 31, 2001
i had high HC on a return visit to the smog shop. i was able to get it run in manual instead of running test. the HC was high in idle but appeared to come down into spec at higher RPM. dont want to fail a second time.
I did find the EGR valve stuck closed. ill replace that shortly. I also have a low milage stock cat i will put on. I just loaded some Lucas fuel system cleaner and will run through. I have a small crossover leak but all other levels were fine, (CO,CO2 and NOx).

Any thing else i can do? im running a TT chip for 50s.
this is on a new car that has a cam and mostly stock other than the 50s and air cleaner
wasting your time with the egr valve , TT chip doesnt use it
contact eric (turbotweak) for an emmission chip that leans it out , allows egr to function and ups the fan turnon temp to get the engine temp up which will impove emmisions over an engine that runs at 168degrees
i think i have the same TT emission chip except for the egr function. will the EGR opening help the HCs?
TT emissions chip and a good cat and I go right through, also make sure your egr valve is functioning properly, (not stuck or clogged) or worn diaphram.
Is your chip a smog chip or just the regular TTchip? The reason I ask is that to the best of my knowledge the regular chips have an open loop idle and run considerably richer than 14.7 to 1 A/F ratio.

Sorry I didn't fully read the title of the thread. It's been a long less than stellar day at work. I appologize. Which smog program applies where you live? Do you get to run the car on the dyno or is it a 2 step idle test? The 2 step idle test is more difficult to pass. A fresh CAT will help.

NP yes i too am obsessed and will still check out regardless if i am struggling to keep my eyes open.
not that youre obsessed or anything but.... i am comming to realize that i am

Installing a known good low mileage stock CAT will help. Most aftermarket CAT's have less catalyst media in them therefore they don't do as good a job of cleaning up the emissions as a stock CAT will. You didn't mention how old your O2 sensor is. If it isn't fresh then you might want to change it. One final thing I can add is keep the car running while you're waiting. The reason for this is that the turbo is essentially a heat sync and will increase the time it takes for the CAT to come up to operating temp if you shut the car off and let it cool down while you're waiting.

i think i have the same TT emission chip except for the egr function. will the EGR opening help the HCs?

The EGR will not help high HCs it's job is to,lower Nox by deluting the intake charge with enert gasses. But if a EGR valve is partially open at idle it will cause high HCs because the engine will run rough do to the lean misfire but will clean up the higher the reves go.
I was a ASC certified smog tech for 20 years. It depends on how high your HCS levels are but a worn CAT could show HIGH HCs. A misfire will show high HCs. High COs are a rich mixture, high NOX is formed when high heat from anything over 2500* the EGR lowers this heat by deluting the intake charge.
ill put on the 5okmi stock cat i have and see what happens. the EGR was stuck high. maybe the emission chip was making the idle go into lean misfire. when the tech brought the revs up every thing started to look better. but i didnt want to risk a second fail. so i put the stock cat on and retest, probably tomorrow.
thanks for everyones input. test went well! actually very clean now. this is what was done for archives

new O2 sensor ( old set SES code durring first test, -bad, caused by previous owner running leaded race gas)
new EGR (old stuck closed- bad)
New 50# injectors (old red tops had unknow chip maker and chip was label as a 28# not 29#)
new spark plugs (old plugs were red from octane boosters and other)
TT emission chip. (already had one, -good)
low milage stock cat installed (old used race cat from previous owner on first test- may have been no good)
let car idle while waiting for the test. bout 20 min.

Heres the first and retest

cleaned up.

should be easier next time around.
Thanks again!
thanks for everyones input. test went well! actually very clean now. this is what was done for archives

new O2 sensor ( old set SES code durring first test, -bad, caused by previous owner running leaded race gas)
new EGR (old stuck closed- bad)
New 50# injectors (old red tops had unknow chip maker and chip was label as a 28# not 29#)
new spark plugs (old plugs were red from octane boosters and other)
TT emission chip. (already had one, -good)
low milage stock cat installed (old used race cat from previous owner on first test- may have been no good)
let car idle while waiting for the test. bout 20 min.

Heres the first and retest

cleaned up.

should be easier next time around.
Thanks again!

It was way fat on the CO and at times it will elevate HCs like its done in your case but no misfires I see other wise the O2 would be higher. The CO2 is lower due to,the rich mixture. Even though,the EGR was stuck closed the extra fuel kept the temps down not causing high NOX. So you had two issues from what I'm reading there.
Drewster need help. I am in Long Beach. I need to pass smog and everything was taken off the car. No Cat a regular TT chip and none of the original intake things on it. Any help would be appreciated.
Drewster need help. I am in Long Beach. I need to pass smog and everything was taken off the car. No Cat a regular TT chip and none of the original intake things on it. Any help would be appreciated.
what injectors and turbo/ downpipe are you running?. I recommend buying a TT emmission chip and all the other stock visual equipment, like oil fill neck and passenger valve cover to turbo line. plus EGR/PCV. the inspectors usually go by the black emmision sticker under the hood by the heater box. all the hoses and equipment need to match.
Let us know your combo. you can also post in the South West section for loaner / for sale parts.