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highest boost at track


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10's here i come
Jun 11, 2001
If i can get this thing tuned by next week i am going to the track to see what i can get out of it with my bad tuning. I will be running a Joe L 110 chip with 110 cam 2 can i go higher then 110 with this chip and whats the highest boost i should try to run.

ta 33
sperco intercooler
40lb injectors
ram air
Lt1 springs
atr up pipe
atr down pipe
tps tec
307 pump[hot wired]
adj reg
posi rear
87 ecm
Joe L 93 and 110 chips
some others
I noticed you are attempting to tune the car without something to help you.

If you plan on raising the boost on your motor please go take out a loan at the local bank to the tune of $3K so you can replace it after blowing it up because you failed to invest $250 for a used laptop and T-link.

Do you even have a knock guage?

Think about it.
I agree with Louie. After breaking a TRW piston when I was only running high 13s I decided it was time for a scan tool.

If you have to run it anyway I would get some 116 octane and keep the boost at 20psi or lower. You "should" be pretty safe at that level. The higher the octane the safer you will be.
i do have a knock and boost gauge, as long as i run a high octan like 110 and 116 and i am getting no knock i sould be ok right.Mybe i should just wait a few weeks when i get my scan tool.
CrazyGN---The last time I went to the track I thought my Knock guage, boost gauge, and fuel pressure guage were enough. These gauges are good and all that, but I ended up tuning my car blind. I ended up leaving the track with 14.2's all night, and mad at my car bceause it was running rich, and knocking. Save yourself the stress, and wait a little until you get that scantool.

I know its tempting to just run the car, and get a "untuned" time. Save up for a tool..then go to the sense in racing a car when it isnt at its best.
While a knock guage isn't as good as a scantool it's a whole lot better than nothing. You're most likely not going to hurt the car with the knock guage. Just don't be disappointed with your times. I went to the track with a plugged convertor and over 900mvs and left pretty disappointed. I should've been in the 11s. I remember in the old days (pre scantool). I was told to keep leaning it out until it slows down and then add a couple psi fuel pressure. Don't know if I would try it but it sounds like it would work.
I took my car out today when i put the up and down pipes on, i had a guy in a 2000 -01 vett with a few mods rev his engine on me so i got next to him put it in drive and down shifted and took off by the time my car took off he had two cars on me. I did not think i could keep up top end but i was pulling closer to him . Then we hit some cars in the way and slowed up i took it home it did not run as good as before , when i got home i found that the o2 sensor was not hooked up at all . so i am thinking with a good tune and the o2 sensor hooked up i could make this vett sorry. I'll be getting that scan tool as soon as i can for sure.
No 02 makes it go rich. Just by plugging it in you should notice a difference.
We left from the get go about 50mph to about 110mph ,i think iam running a little rich now Fp set at 45psi vac off. when i pluged it in it ran pretty good i think iwill see him again when i get my scan tool.