HORRIBLE mpg.....why?

Glad to hear that you are getting everything straightened out, Brent. Now I know where to bring mine when it breaks.
Originally posted by VadersV6
Wow. Any recollection of what his user name was? I know his real name, and I have his parents phone number (he's 35 and living with his parents), but he wouldnt return the call.
I'm scared of what else this guy may have done to the car when he had it. It would be cool to find his user name and check out his mod list. Remember if he was from SoCal?
The guy I bought it from was told that the engine had been recently rebuilt and had 4000 miles on it. LMAO. The engine has no sign of new paint (down to raw iron), and everything else looks old as hell.

*****This was a few years back, so I don't remember his username, sorry. From what I remember though, he was basically flame bait, and would draw the ire of lots of people with some of the nutty stuff he wrote about.

He wasn't exactly a troll, but he seemed pretty hard headed about stuff even when guys who had built cars that trapped faster mph in the 1/8 as he did in the 1/4 were trying to give him some friendly advice to hopefully keep him from blowing his car up, or hurting himself.

I'll see if I can dig up his username to see if it sounds like the same guy to you. 35 and living with his parents sounds about right. He seemed like the type who would say he was training to be a cage fighter, while spending most of his day on the computer.... :)

(Like in the movie Napoleon Dynamite..Great movie btw.. )

Thanks GNguy, for trying to defame the name, but in actuality I didnt know what converter was in there either, if I was told it was stock, that's what I told you, I'm not going to drop the tranny to figure it if it has an aftermarket converter. To me, if it starts spinning at around 2,200rpms, and it goes into overdrive on the hwy at 55-60mph, it is stock. You might get horrible gas mileage after all the stuff you put on there. The chip IS a Jtesta chip, it's not like if I was guessing, it was burned for Ed Obidinski with the 009 injectors, I bought the injectors and chip from him, and had the instruction papers for both, Racetronix and Jim Testa. And if I dont answer my phone, it's because I'm trying to save minutes!!!
wasnt trying to defame the name....haha. just trying to get this thing sqared away, I drive it daily and I was trying to get it done. This post was a while ago, you now answer your phone, so its not a problem anymore. But I am still getting bad gas mileage, I am just going to say screw it and put a new converter in there. Joe your a good guy, dont get me wrong, just it was hard getting in touch with you for a while. O what kind of alarm is in the car. And the car won 2nd place or something at the All GM car show at Woodley park.
Well When I go to fill it up I reset the trip and calculate it everytime. I will say its burns 12-13 gallons, I give the benfit of the doubt to the car because I like it so much, even though it porobably burns close to 14 gallons of the 15.5 I put in it.
None of my business here, but filling up the tank till it shuts off the pump, and then continue filling it 4 or 5 more times, and then doing the same thing when refilling the tank at the same station and pump and using that figure for the amount of gals used might give you a little more accurate readings, but I do not mean that you are not getting accurate readings now. I have checked mileage for years on various cars and this seems to be the most accurate and consistent method. I think that Vader's V6 (Brent) might have become the mileage improvement expert with all that he went through with his car.
Hey Gary, I do that just to make sure the tank is full. If you say that it is more accurate like that I will continue to do it. Ill let you know what happens after I change the fuel filter and some other stuff. thanks again.
Is the speedometer accurate? With the change in rear gears, seems like there's a good chance the speedo/odo are not right. Maybe your miles are wrong, which would certainly hose up those miles per gallon!
THe alarm on there is an MCO, a wholesale audio place in downey has their own brand of alarms, why are you having problems with it? I could take you where I got it if you want to upgrade or something. And about the car show.....that's crazy man, 2nd place is good, you must've made that engine bay look real good!!! But you know everything else was straight on the car, maybe the Stock cd player setup got'em. Or maybe the door panels..... :D
MPH off

Ormand said:
Is the speedometer accurate? With the change in rear gears, seems like there's a good chance the speedo/odo are not right. Maybe your miles are wrong, which would certainly hose up those miles per gallon!

I would say that it is fairly likely that your mileage is way off...... probably easiest to use a GPS rolling down the highway... @ 60 MPH on the speedometer..... and see what the GPS says you are doing. That is how I calibrated my V8 S10 Blazers speedo... (only difference is my Blazer used an electric vehicle speed sensor... and you could buy a little black box and recalibrate it with a screwdriver)......

Anyway....... a gear change.... or tire height change should effect mileage some regardless.... IMHO.....

hboost said:
THe alarm on there is an MCO, a wholesale audio place in downey has their own brand of alarms, why are you having problems with it? I could take you where I got it if you want to upgrade or something. And about the car show.....that's crazy man, 2nd place is good, you must've made that engine bay look real good!!! But you know everything else was straight on the car, maybe the Stock cd player setup got'em. Or maybe the door panels..... :D

Thanks man Ill let you know about the alarm. My only problem with it is I want a kill switch and it looks like it has one but I have no idea how to set it. The 2nd place caught me off gaurd too, I would have never of guessed, they did like the CD player though, they thought it was real nice.