hotties thread

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Weapon of MAF destruction
Jul 29, 2002
So mods, riddle me this. The hotties thread gets up to 3 stars and then gets deleted? Make up your minds, ya know?
I didn't know this was a Iraqi war camp where women cant show their body's.
Is Saddam a moderator?:confused:
Perhaps the issue was not the nature of the thread itself nor the level of clothing on the girls so much as the fact that they all appeared to be underage minors. Sorry guys but as the father of two young daughters that's just icky. :(
Ah c'mon, what about the 18 year olds with no life and no gf? (guilty)
Originally posted by ALBERTAN
Perhaps the issue was not the nature of the thread itself nor the level of clothing on the girls so much as the fact that they all appeared to be underage minors. Sorry guys but as the father of two young daughters that's just icky. :(

So how much grief do they give you when you cross the border into Canada? If not much then I'll be over for Dinner tomorrow night. :)
Because it received many complaints. Some of those girls were VERY young, a little too young.

We didn't get rid of the thread giving you reason to start another one about it. We got rid of it because people feel it is inappropriate here.

Post about it somewhere else, please.
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