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How bout those Cowboys


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If Romo plays like that come Sunday against the Pats they'll get beat by 30 pts. They got very very lucky.
If Romo plays like that come Sunday against the Pats they'll get beat by 30 pts. They got very very lucky.

Being an NFC guy I hate to say it but your right... The AFC has hands down more depth and talent than any of the NFC teams...
That calling a timeout right at the kick is a dumbass rule
Go Dallas

it's still a win :) , no flag on the guy covering t,o, on the 2 point attempt? the guy never looks back and bumps T.O. before the ball got there, these ref's wanted dallas loose(?) we m ay loose to the patriots but then again maybe we don't:confused:
If Romo plays like that come Sunday against the Pats they'll get beat by 30 pts. They got very very lucky.

If they hadn't had a game like this, they would have lost by 30 to the Pats, maybe 40 points.

This game is as close to a wake up call as they are going to get (without losing) before the Pats come to town.

How about those Huskers? If our High School QB Chase Daniel hadn't been the one cleaning their clocks, I'd be calling for Callahan's resignation.

The Blackshirts need some help, and they need it now.