how do you tell the difference????????????


New Member
Sep 21, 2001
:) How do you tell the difference between a stock turbo and a "49"????? yes i "feel" a difference but what can i look at or meausure that would be different??? there are some numbers on the out let side of the turbo what do they mean ??? they are the same on both turbos.........thanks
GNTTYPE says that the compressor blades on the TA49 are all the same length, while the blades on the stocker are short/tall (alternating lengths). HTH
Take the inlet hose off and look into the bell. If the bell throat has a rough cast look to it (not machined or blended) but is slighlty larger than the turbo inlet, its a stock turbo.

A TA 49 needs the stock inlet bell machined, blended or otherwise opened (Or a billet bell installed) because of its larger inlet diameter is larger than the throat of the stock inlet bell.