How far did you drive to buy your Turbo Buick?

I drove my 87 LTD 630 miles to Kansas City and sold it to FAMILYCAR -He rented a car and drove 600 miles from Madison WI for the deal, I think he's still speaking to me ;). Then took that cash over to dhauser's house to buy the TTA (same Friday evening).

We went to the bat cave, test drove the TTA back to dhauser's house. Reached in my pocket and gave him the cash from the 87 LTD. Reached in my other pocket for that certified check....It wasn't there.

Making a LONG story short, dhauser was a prince of a man during the ensuing weekend, until I could get the check to Kansas City.

I had left the certified check in some clothes Changed just before I walked out the door to drive to KC :(

About 1300 miles round trip....It was a wonderful drive both ways :) After dealing with two honorable men (FAMILYCAR and dhauser)
It drove to me.

The car used to belong to a buddy of mine, he sold it to some dumbass kid. The kid abused it, beat the body up and eventually had to sell it (lost licence, lost job, etc. etc.).

Out of the blue, I get a phone call from my friend that sold the car to this kid. First thing he says is "buy my old T-Type". He knew I was looking for one. I told him to go get the car and let me test drive it. He brought it over, it was dirty as hell, but solid. Needed a tranny and brakes.

Since the kid that owned it at the time didn't like me, and only wanted to sell it to my friend for that low price... we just decided to not tell him I was buying it. I gave my money to my friend, who bought the car, then we transfered the title to my name the next day.

I think around 500 miles. (each way)

Rented a car, drove from Houston out to Midland, Texas.
Turned car in, drove my Buick back to Houston.
The owner had driven the Buick from Tucson, Arizona to Midland, so it was a "meet halfway" thing.
The car was actually driven 1,000 miles to Houston.

Found my WE4 on GNTTYPE classifieds, the guy lived 30 min. south of my parents in FL. Dad went to check the car out and go for a test drive, called me later that day and said, " Son, that car scared the crap out of me." I scream, "PAY HIM!!!". Sold my truck(convertible S-10) that afternoon to a kid at work. Funny situation...I had $6k in cash in my pocket, but no way to get home:( !! Got a lift to my brothers house, booked a flight to FL on my next day off- Mon. Flew one way Monday, drove 800+ miles home Tuesday grinning like a freakin' idiot the whole way home. I was so excited to finally have a TR, when I got home after 11 hrs, I went inside and asked my wife if she wanted to go for a drive!! We went out and cruised for over an hour, and the rest is history:cool:
I drove from about the center of NJ out to Marion, Ohio....Twice. :cool: I found it on GNTtype, gave the guy a call and took a ride out there a few days later. It looked good, drove good and I left him with a deposit and drove the 600 miles back home. The next wekend I drove out there with the full payment, a set of dealer tags, and a friend to drive my car home. So after 40 hours and 2200 miles she was finally mine.