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How to avoid ricer FlyBy's


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Resident Smart A$$
Aug 30, 2001
I found the perfect way to avoid the infamous flyby. After laying the smack down I simply flip on the appropriate turn signal and switch lanes, then slow down. It serves two purposes, first it does the obvious of letting them know they LOST already and second, it tells everybody watching that a) your not racing, just driving, or b) you whooped so much a$$ you are doing a victory lap.

Try it next time, they will get the point quick.

p.s. it is also great if you get nailed for street racing since you have the defence you were only trying to change lanes and they tried to prevent you from doing so.
Originally posted by 1badTTA
After laying the smack down I simply flip on the appropriate turn signal and switch lanes, then slow down. It serves two purposes, first it does the obvious of letting them know they LOST already and second, it tells everybody watching that a) your not racing, just driving, or b) you whooped so much a$$ you are doing a victory lap.

p.s. it is also great if you get nailed for street racing since you have the defence you were only trying to change lanes and they tried to prevent you from doing so.

As Wile E. Coyote says, Genius! Pure genius!

Although what I've usually done is just hammer it again and smoke them a second time.
NAH! I got a better one

Keep a bunch of pennies handy.

Toss them out just as the rice attempts his flyby!

Makes them slow down thinking that something is wrong with their POS ricemobile.. LOL!
hey guys that post and reply made me lmao.......and I was getting depressed cuz cold and miserable weather is here:( i can only dream nice dreams as I wait for the ricer flybys next spring armed with a functioning blinker and a few cents...........poetry in motion
Blah.. stupid rice burners.. I wouldnt waste my pennies on them. :rolleyes:

I've always tried to use that tactic, to make it look like a pass and a lane change. Just hope that -if- theres any cops around, they might think you're just accelerating to change lanes. One thing I have going for me is my car is quiet, so they cant hear me nailing it at WOT. However those fart cans are so loud, they'd have to hear something and may be more inclined to come after one of ya.

"It's uhhhh.. just my grandmother's V6 Regal, officer!" :D
Ha ha ha

Yes, this is great! Although for the ricer to do a fly-by they usually have to make up 10 or so cars at least, but the alaby (sp?) it provides is genius. Will try it next time. :D