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You paid HOW much for that new Mclaren?


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Fiberglass bumper filler dude. (949) 433-1257
Staff member
Apr 4, 2002
Still trying to figure out exactly what it was. Best as I could tell, it was one of these.


It had a big ass wing, with the outward edges hanging down. It looked new. It still had the dealer plates and "Mclaren" right in the center of the ass end in small letters. It had something else to the right of the Mclaren, but I couldn't quite read what it was.

The "Encounter"...
I had just left my shop. Doing a little R@D on a new project I've been working on. (more on this in a few weeks ;)). I spotted an exotic on a three lane highway, about five cars back in my rear view mirror. I was in the left lane. He was in the middle. As I approached the next intersection, I stopped a bit early to try to get him along side. I made it to the line but, he was still one car back on my right.

Looking over my right shoulder, I knew that this was a six figure exotic. I've seen them a million times around here. I've spanked a hand full over the years. I figured that it was either a Lambo, Ferrari or one of those new, crazy ass Mclarens that I knew nothing about. Note: there's a New Mclaren dealership just five minutes from where we were. I did a quick purge of my alky pump, made sure that my floor mat was slid back and transmission was in "D" for "Drag race" and "Damn, I hope it ain't one of those thousand HP, AWD monsters that I've been hearing about".

Even so, I still wanted a piece of this thing.

Green light... I waited a few seconds to roll from the light to allow the car next to me go first and open up a hole for my rich buddy to slide though. As luck would have it, the dork next to me wouldn't move. HE WAS TEXTING! I held my ground for what seemed like an eternity. I'm surprised that no one behind us honked. They must have all been texting too. :eek: Finally, the car to my right rolled ever so slowly out into the now open mile of black asphalt ahead, How inconsiderate! Didn't he know that he could possibly be preventing one of the best kill section stories since Mean Chicken sold his GN? :eek::D

I was now starting to get board and rolled out through the intersection and slowly pass this texting road block. In all my rage, I had almost forgotten about that six figure garage queen that would most likely never push his investment past 3000 rpms.

I was wrong... Dead wrong...
About this time, the carbon fiber marvel switched lanes behind me and threaded the needle between us two front cars. he nearly shaved off my back bumper and flew around me on the right at WOT. As he banged the paddle shifter into second, he passed me going at least twenty miles and hour faster as we now cleared the intersection. Even knowing that the cards were now stacked against me, I rolled into the gas.

Luckily, my GN was loaded for bear that day. (It always is :D). After a few seconds I was able to hold his lead to about 6 car lengths. He may have been pulling away still but not by much. We both let off at about 120 I guess. I kept the distance behind him as I now tried to figure out what the heck this thing was. He had now slowed to a stop at the next red light. As I slowly came up to the back of this thing, I could read the small words "Mclaren" on the back.

The cross traffic light was now yellow as I closed on his back bumper. Still butt hurt over getting caught off guard on the past light, I wasn't going to fall for that again. In fact, to my luck, the light had just turned green as I passed his back bumper. I may have only been going 5 mph, but that was all I needed. I got a slight jump and the AWD Mclaren monster launched just as I rolled past him. I was now two cars out on him and pulling away as we crossed the far side of this intersection. At one point I think I was about five cars out on him as we hit a buck twenty or so. By 130 he was still four cars back as we were now closing in on the next light.

Once we slowed to blend in with the traffic ahead, I looked over to give a big thumps up and a smile as he went past. Funny thing. But he looked away as he rushed past me and darted between traffic so as not to face me. I guess when you drive a crazy car like that, your ego won't let you admit that you are not the absolute King of The Highway:eek:. Either that, or someone had the bosses car out for a joy ride and didn't want to get caught. :D

Happy Spooling.
Mike B.
Damn Mike, you been going to story telling classes or something? Another great story to go with a great kill.
After many hours of research, What I tangled with was a Mclaren Senna.

Looking back now, I am sooooo glad that I was loaded for Bear... :wideyed:

Worth the time.
You guys are out having fun & here I am driving along, minding my own business, when I'm pulled over for coasting down a hill at a measly 56mph. :mad:

Been going for Sunday drives in town lately. One of the local radio stations plays re-runs of Casey Kasem's American Top 40 show from the 80's. Town probably doesn't look much different since the 80's. Cruising around an old town, in my old car, listening to period correct music, on my old Delco stereo. :D
You guys are out having fun & here I am driving along, minding my own business, when I'm pulled over for coasting down a hill at a measly 56mph. :mad:

Been going for Sunday drives in town lately. One of the local radio stations plays re-runs of Casey Kasem's American Top 40 show from the 80's. Town probably doesn't look much different since the 80's. Cruising around an old town, in my old car, listening to period correct music, on my old Delco stereo. :D

This is the Wild West. Things happen fast around here. Some good. Some not so good. There are pros and cons to living here. The weather is one of the best things. It's why we pay the big bucks. Mid February and classic cars, hot rods and exotics are still dime a dozen on the road here. Seven days a week, you can't drive a mile without seeing some cool car here in Surf City USA. AKA Huntington Beach, CA. My family has lived here since the 1920s. :)
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Writing skills are right up there. I'm gonna have to be looking out for a bad@$$ grand nat when I'm out there!
Probably wasn't a Senna. Deliveries are scheduled to begin in the third quarter of 2018 Nice kill nonetheless.

I'll come clean.
It was a new-ish, silver Toyota Prius with tinted windows, Moon-eyes wheel covers and a Bernie Sanders sticker on the back. :(

That's all I can tell you. The rest is a blur. It happened so fast. :cry: