How to fix floorboards properly?


New Member
Aug 10, 2004
I noticed underneath my car while checking it the otherday, theres a small crack in the metal where it started to seems where it is rusting would be where the seat bolts to the floorboard if i were visually line it up from underneath to above...what would be a proper way of fixing this.

im thinking of buying a piece of sheetmetal from homedepot, and then cutout the rusty section of the metal then just weld it on and sand it down etc...would that be correct...
my concern is since its the seat part of the floorboard ,..would removing the floorboard underneath it take the re enforced section along with it?
how would i go about doing this? im guessing id hafta then remove the carpet area, and tac weld the reenforced seat beam to my new sheetmetal i welded to the floorboard??
Floor repair

Hello friend it depends on how bad you floors are if it was my car i would pull the interior out from firewall to trunk and check the whole floor that way you can take your time and make it look neat . This is just a idea i am not telling you how to do it but if it was my car i would go to the local junkyard find a g-body and take a sawzaw and cut out all you need cut a patch panel 2-3'' bigger than what you need so you will have room to trim it and get as close to a perfect as posible take that panel or panels and place it over the area that needs to be cut out and measure twice and cut once. doing it this way should make it just as strong as factory becuase it will have all the same paterns in it as the original peice ...hope this helps good luck on project... ;)