No outer skin metal distortion happened. Best way to describe my technique was I let the hammer "bounce" off the metal. Your arm will be really tired after finishing one wheel lip. It'll take going back and forth around the wheel lip about 3, maybe four rounds to get it all crushed in properly. The first round is just getting the metal to move a little. Try to get it to fold as closely to the outer edge as possible. Once it starts to fold, it'll go faster. The two bottom ends (at least the first 3 inches) don't really need folding in; start your folding just above this point because there is alot of tension in that part of the wheel lip. Take your time and massage the lip inward, knocking down high spots firmly but gently and get as even a look to the roll as possible. I'd do this over 4 days (2 days wheel lip, 2 days wheel lip trim) if you see what I mean. It's easy to get frustrated so take your time. I repainted with a spray can of gloss black enamel.