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How to tell a real GNX emblem?


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85 Triple Threat
Mar 12, 2004
I just bought some GNX emblems that are supposed to be real leftovers. They still have the protective backing on them, but they were not in any envelope. Is there any way to tell a real one from one of the reproduction ones?
If I remember correctly, the original GM had a rusty orange color backing paper on the adhesive.:o Kirban's reproductions were nearly identical, but had (intentionally) a light blue backing paper.:wink: I don't know if anyone else reproduced them, as I might have seen white backing, but not at all sure about that.:confused: All of mine are orange or blue.:cool:

Post a pic, or look at the other thread about emblems. It shows both side by side. Kirbans repro emblem is very good.
I sent an email to Rick that owns Xray but he hasnt gotten back to me yet. I looked at the other post that shows them side by side, but mine has traights of both. It has the orange backed tape with the white showing thru on the front on the edge of the X, but the edges look smooth like the reproduction? It also looks like its been laying around for some time, but not used.